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Various experts from Philosophy, Linguistics, Communication and Medicine fields initiate research on "Consumption and lifestyle" at the ICS of the University of Navarra

For the next academic year 2014/2015 the Institute for Culture and Society has created four different cross-research groups: "Consumption and lifestyle", "Migration", "Philosophy and Palliative Care" and, "Civic Humanism"

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Alejandro N. García, Inés Olza, Luis Echarte and Charo Sádaba FOTO: Manuel Castells

The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), research center on Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Navarra, has launched a cross-research group on 'Consumption and lifestyles'. Also during the next academic course there will be other three groups on 'Migration', 'Philosophy and Palliative Care' and 'Civic Humanism'.

These cross-research groups aim to bring together experts from around the campus –both ICS and the various schools— to investigate interdisciplinary issues in great depth for a specialized public and for the public in general. The purpose is to create value through coordinated work of experts addressing an issue from different areas of knowledge.

The group ‘Consumption and Lifestyles' consists of Alejandro N. García (‘Emotional Culture and Identity' project of the ICS and professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences), Inés Olza (‘Public Discourse' project of the ICS), Luis Echarte (‘Mind-Brain' project of the ICS and professor of Medicine) and, Charo Sádaba (Communication professor).

The group on ‘Migrations' will count will Rocío G. Davis (‘Emotional Culture and Identity' project of the ICS and professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences), Jan Zienkowski (‘Public Discourse' project of the ICS), Juan José Pons (Geography professor and collaborator of the ATLANTES project of the ICS) and, Carolina Montoro (professor of Education and Psychology).

Encourage dialogue between disciplines

Carlos Centeno, principal researcher of the ATLANTES program, professor of Medicine and specialist at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, will coordinate the cross-research group on ‘Phylosophy and Palliative Care'. Mariano Crespo, researcher at the ‘Natural Law and Practical Rationality' project of the ICS, will also take part of this group along with Alejandro Navas (Communication professor and collaborator of the ATLANTES program), Alejandro G. Vigo (principal researcher of the ‘Natural Law and Practical Rationality' project of the ICS) and, Ana Marta González (principal researcher of the project ‘Emotional Culture and Identity', Academic Director of the ICS and professor of Moral Philosophy).

In addition, Montserrat Herrero, principal researcher of the ‘Religion and Civil Society' ICS project and professor of Political Philosophy, will lead the group 'civic humanism'.

This initiative along with other ICS events aims to promote an interdisciplinary dialogue at the University. Other initiatives are the ICS Lectures on Humanities and Social Sciences, a series of open to the university community who annually conduct lectures internationally renowned researchers; or the Ethics and Society Forum, under which various seminars are organized in order to address issues related to the improvement of community life and the society.



