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Admission process for students starting the degree program in the first year


National students (studying 2nd Bachillerate in Spain)


To apply for admission, you first need to register with miUNAV. Once inside the Portal, the future student can request admission and attach all the necessary documentation through the same form. The documentation to attach is the following:

  • 1st year high school or equivalent grades (junior year of college, institute or high school).

    1 passport-size photograph.

    Photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport (only non-Spanish).

    Proof of payment of € 100 for processing fees (Non-refundable).

Payment methods (online through the portal miUNAV):

  1. Credit / debit card.

  2. By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal and it must include the full name of the applicant and the word "ADMISSION".

(Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona)
IBAN: ES92 21009161472200152057
Account number: 2100 9161 47 2200152057

How to apply for admission to more than one degree?

You must fill out the form once for each application, but the submission of documentation and payment of processing fees do not need to be duplicated. In case of requesting admission to a third degree, you should make a new payment of € 100.

And for double degrees?

In the case of admission applications for double degrees (for example: Law + Business Administration or Journalism + Philosophy), it is enough to send a single application, since the possible requests to study separately, if desired, one of the degrees are included in this application. that make up the double degree.

The Admission Test is specific to each Faculty or School. Its objective is to assess the capacities and aptitudes of the applicant student before the chosen studies.

Students must take the Admission Test at the corresponding Faculty and on the dates indicated in the Admission Deadlines section.

The tests last approximately 3 hours per student.

When the Admission Application is correctly formalized by the applicant student, the Admission Service communicates the exact date, time and place (classroom and campus building) where the Admission Test will take place.

Our delegates

Important: in order to access the Admission Tests, it will be essential to present the National Identity Document (DNI). A copy of the call to the test printed on paper must also be presented (it will not be useful to show it with the mobile).


The resolution of the admission application may be known through miUNAV  from the dates indicated in the Admission Deadlines section.


1. Students admitted in the December and February deadlines::

They must pay the first payment of the tuition in the degree they are going to study.

The amount, depending on the degree, is € 500, € 3,000 or € 5,500 (this amount will only be refundable in the case of Spanish students who have not passed the EVAU).

Deadlines for the payment of the first registration payment:

Admitted in the December Term: before February 26.

Admitted in the February Deadline: before April 30st.

After these deadlines, the portal will allow you to register only if the degree has places available.

2. Students admitted in the April, June and July deadlines: they will formalize the enrollment on the dates indicated.

Forms of payment:

  • Via Internet, through the miUNAV portal.

    By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal.

The EVAU tests are an essential requirement for all Spanish students from the 2nd year of Baccalaureate, who request admission to any of the official degrees of the University of Navarra.

Students who apply for admission to any of the following degrees must pass the EVAU on the 1st call to enroll:






    All degrees and double degrees taught at the Faculty of Law.

    All degrees and double degrees taught at the Faculty of Economics.

    All those candidates who do not approve it or cannot present themselves to this 1st call will have to make an application through the miUNAV Portal in Help / Contact.

They will be able to access the Spanish University without having to take the University Entrance Exams (EVAU):

  • Students who carry out Baccalaureate studies following the educational system of a member country of the U.E. (British, German, French schools ,.) and meet the academic requirements to access universities in those countries (A Levels, Abitur, Baccalauréat ,.). IMPORTANT: These students, however, must apply for the UNEDasiss Accreditation with an admission qualification.

  • Students holding the International Baccalaureate degree, issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization. IMPORTANT: These students, however, must apply for the UNEDasiss Accreditation with an admission qualification.

  • Students requesting admission to any of the following degrees: International Foundation Program, ILCE Study Programs, Liberal Arts or any of the University of Navarra's own degrees.

  • File transfer

  • This step of the process should only be solved by those who have carried out the EVAU Tests.

Once the EVAU tests have been passed and the place at the University of Navarra obtained, the student must request the receipt of the transfer of the academic record, an essential requirement to be able to formalize the enrollment.

With the notification of having been admitted, it is necessary to go to the General Secretariat of the University of origin (where the "Selectividad" has been carried out), to pay the rights of transfer of file. Except for students who have their file at the Public University of Navarra, because this is managed directly by the University of Navarra through General Offices.


International students (final year of high school outside Spain)


To apply for admission, you first need to register with miUNAV. Once inside the Portal, the future student can request admission and attach all the necessary documentation through the same form. The documentation to attach is the following:

  • 1st year high school or equivalent grades (junior year of college, institute or high school).

  • A recommendation letter.

  • 1 passport-size photograph.

  • Photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport (only non-Spanish).

  • Proof of payment of € 100 for processing fees (Non-refundable).

Payment methods (online through the portal miUNAV):

  1. Credit / debit card.

  2. By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal and it must include the full name of the applicant and the word "ADMISSION".

(Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona)
IBAN: ES92 21009161472200152057
Account number: 2100 9161 47 2200152057

How to apply for admission to more than one degree?

You must fill out the form once for each application, but the submission of documentation and payment of processing fees do not need to be duplicated. In case of requesting admission to a third degree, you should make a new payment of € 100.

And for double degrees?

In the case of admission applications for double degrees (for example: Law + Business Administration or Journalism + Philosophy), it is enough to send a single application, since the possible requests to study separately, if desired, one of the degrees are included in this application. that make up the double degree.

International students must take the Admission Test online (except for Medicine students, who must do it in person at the Pamplona Campus, or if they prefer at an Authorized BMAT Center).

When the Admission Application is correctly formalized through miUNAV, the applicant student receives information about the deadline before which he must take the online admission test (see the Admission Deadlines section).

In addition to taking the test, international students must arrange an interview with the delegate of the University of Navarra in their country.

Our delegates


The resolution of the admission application may be known through miUNAV  from the dates indicated in the Admission Deadlines section.


1. Students admitted in the December and February deadlines::

They must pay the first payment of the tuition in the degree they are going to study.

The amount, depending on the degree, is € 500, € 3,000 or € 5,500 (this amount will only be reimbursed if you do not get your visa, in case it is required in your country).

Deadlines for the payment of the first registration payment:

Admitted in the December Term: before February 26.

Admitted in the February Deadline: before April 30st.

After these deadlines, the portal will allow you to register only if the degree has places available.

2. Students admitted in the April, June and July deadlines: they will formalize the enrollment on the dates indicated.

Forms of payment:

  • Via Internet, through the miUNAV portal.

    By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal.

Students from the EU, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland are excluded.

To obtain the student visa, you must go to the Spanish Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office, in whose demarcation the foreigner resides.

What requirements are necessary?

  • The procedure begins at the request of the interested party and the requirements are as follows:

  • Form duly completed at the Consular Office corresponding to the nationality or legal residence of the applicant, presented by the interested party or their duly accredited legal representative.

  • Three passport-size photographs.

  • Passport with a minimum validity of 120 days

  • Documentation that proves pre-registration or having been legally admitted as a student, student or researcher in a public or private center or establishment officially recognized by the competent Administration.

  • Health insurance.

  • Have guaranteed the financial means necessary to cover the cost of their studies, as well as the expenses of stay and return to their country.

  • Criminal record certificate issued, where appropriate, by the authorities of the country of origin or the country or countries in which you have resided for the last five years (except in cases where the duration of the studies to be carried out is less than six months).

  • Health certificate.

Visa collection period

Within a period of two months from the notification of the concession, the foreigner must collect her visa.

For more information visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

International students will not need to take the EVAU Tests in order to enroll in official degrees.

Although the Selectivity is no longer an essential requirement, international students who DO NOT take the Selectivity Tests must take the following into account:

If they have completed Baccalaureate studies following the educational system of a member country of the U.E. (British, German, French schools) and meet the academic requirements to access universities in those countries (A Levels, Abitur, Baccalauréat ,.) must apply for the UNEDasiss Accreditation with admission qualification.

If they are students in possession of an International Baccalaureate degree, issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization, they must apply for the UNEDasiss Accreditation with admission qualification.

Students who have studied in countries outside the EU must apply for the accreditation credential of the Bachelor's degree or the flyer that certifies that they have applied for it (processing video tutorial). It is necessary to present the original document when registering and if it has not yet been obtained, the flyer stating that it has been requested must be uploaded to the miUNAV portal, stamped by the office of the Government of Spain in which it was presented; Without this, it is not possible to formalize the enrollment, which in any case is done conditional on the fact that before April 1 of the following year they provide the original credential at the University General Offices.

International students who have obtained accreditation at the UNED as of 2017 do not need to transfer the file. If it had been obtained before 2107, they should write to and they will be told how to request the transfer of the file.


Process for students entering higher courses


National students (they are studying at university in Spain)


To apply for admission, you first need to register with miUNAV. Once inside the Portal, the future student can request admission and attach all the necessary documentation through the same form. The documentation to attach is the following:

  • Official transcript of grades for the last two years.

    The curriculum of the subjects already taken and passed. Also, if applicable, of those being taken at the time of application.

    1 passport-size photograph.

    Photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport (only non-Spanish).

    Proof of payment of € 100 for processing fees (Non-refundable).

Payment methods (online through the portal miUNAV):

  1. Credit / debit card.

  2. By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal and it must include the full name of the applicant and the word "ADMISSION".

(Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona)
IBAN: ES92 21009161472200152057
Account number: 2100 9161 47 2200152057

The applicant student must send the university study program carried out so far through the miUNAV Portal. The validation of subjects will be decided based on what is established by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. Likewise, to complete the application, the student must send an admission application form along with the required documentation, within the deadlines established by each center.

  1. They do not take admission tests.

  2. Those who apply for admission to any of the degrees of the following Centers will be sent an online test to accredit their level of English. Degrees of the Faculty of Sciences, Pharmacy, Communication, Double degrees of Communication and Philosophy and Letters, ISSA, degree in Design.

  3. In the case of bilingual degrees from the Faculties of Philosophy and Letters, Economics, Medicine, Law and Nursing, the document certifying the level of English must be attached through the miUNAV Portal.

  4. Those who request admission to any of the degrees of the Faculty of Communication or the double degrees of Communication and Philosophy and Letters will be sent an online test to accredit their level of Spanish. Their mother tongue is not taken into account.


The resolution of the admission application may be known through miUNAV  from the dates indicated in the Admission Deadlines section.


They must pay the first payment of the tuition in the degree they are going to study.

The amount, depending on the degree, is € 500, € 3,000 or € 5,500 (this amount will only be refundable in the case of Spanish students who have not passed the EVAU).

Deadlines for the payment of the first registration payment:

Admitted in the December Term: before February 26.

Admitted in the February Deadline: before April 30st.

After these deadlines, the portal will allow you to register only if the degree has places available.

Forms of payment:

  • Via Internet, through the miUNAV portal.

    By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal.

Once the final validation study is available at miUNAV Portal, you will be able to formalize your enrollment on the dates indicated.


International students (they are studying at university outside Spain)


To apply for admission, you first need to register with miUNAV. Once inside the Portal, the future student can request admission and attach all the necessary documentation through the same form. The documentation to attach is the following:


    Official transcript of grades for the last two years.

    The curriculum of the subjects already taken and passed. Also, if applicable, of those being taken at the time of application.

    1 passport-size photograph.

    Photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport (only non-Spanish).

    Proof of payment of € 100 for processing fees (Non-refundable).

Payment methods (online through the portal miUNAV):

  1. Credit / debit card.

  2. By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal and it must include the full name of the applicant and the word "ADMISSION".

(Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona)
IBAN: ES92 21009161472200152057
Account number: 2100 9161 47 2200152057

The applicant student must send the university study program carried out so far through the miUNAV Portal. The validation of subjects will be decided based on what is established by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. Likewise, to complete the application, the student must send an admission application form along with the required documentation, within the deadlines established by each center.

  1. They do not take admission tests.

  2. All those who apply for admission, regardless of the grade and their mother tongue, will be sent an online test to accredit their level of Spanish and to accredit their level of English.

  3. In the case of bilingual degrees from the Faculties of Philosophy and Letters, Economics, Medicine, Law and Nursing, the document certifying the level of English must be attached through the miUNAV Portal.

  4. International students must arrange an interview with the delegate of the University of Navarra in their country.

Our delegates


The resolution of the admission application may be known through miUNAV  from the dates indicated in the Admission Deadlines section.


They must pay the first payment of the tuition in the degree they are going to study.

The amount, depending on the degree, is € 500, € 3,000 or € 5,500 (this amount will only be refundable in the case of Spanish students who have not passed the EVAU).

Deadlines for the payment of the first registration payment:

Admitted in the December Term: before February 26.

Admitted in the February Deadline: before April 30st.

After these deadlines, the portal will allow you to register only if the degree has places available.

Forms of payment:

Via Internet, through the miUNAV portal.

  • By bank transfer to the account indicated below. Proof of payment must be attached together with the rest of the documentation through the miUNAV Portal.

    Once the final validation study is available at miUNAV Portal, you will be able to formalize your enrollment on the dates indicated.