


The University of Navarra was founded in 1952 by St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei. Since then, it has achieved many milestones in its history, which has been marked by the pursuit of excellence in teaching and research and a constant commitment to serve people and society as a whole.


  • 1952

    Foundation of Estudio General de Navarra

    The University of Navarra, founded by St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, begins as the Estudio General de Navarra on October 17, with an academic ceremony held in the chamber of the Regional Council of Navarre, at the Palace of Navarre.

    The first degree program in Law begins at the Cámara de Comptos with 48 students and 8 professors.

    Foundation of Estudio General de Navarra
  • 1954

    Ismael Sánchez Bella is named President. School of Medicine and School of Nursing are established

    Ismael Sánchez Bella is named President on October 7. A full professor of History of Law, Bella arrived at the University of Navarra in 1952 and became one of the first professors at the university. He was the first Director of the School of Law until he was named President of the University.

    Also, that same year, the Schools of Medicine and Nursing are established.

    Ismael Sánchez Bella is named President. School of Medicine and School of Nursing are established
  • 1955

    The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is established

    The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is set up on the top floor of the Museum of Navarre, in classrooms provided by the Regional Council.

    In the second academic year, students of Medicine and Nursing study subjects requiring practicals, facilities and laboratories, so they are moved to a small building in the Hospital of Navarre, provided by the Regional Council.

    During the 1955-1956 academic year, the number of students enrolled rises to 184.

    The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is established
  • 1958

    First IESE Business School program and creation of the Institute of Journalism

    On November 25, the first IESE Business School program is inaugurated in Barcelona, with 20 business executives enrolled.

    Business management schools were not very well known outside of the United States. For that reason, the establishment of these programs represents a milestone in the history of executive education in Spain and Europe.

    This same year, the Institute of Journalism begins operating.

    First IESE Business School program and creation of the Institute of Journalism
  • 1959

    Establishment of the Friends of the University of Navarra

    The Friends of the University of Navarra is established to help support the University.

    Since its formation, the contributions of the Friends of the University of Navarra have made it possible to equip the University with infrastructure for teaching and research, promote the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and, since 1975, provide scholarships for research.

    Establishment of the Friends of the University of Navarra
  • 1960

    Elevation to the status of a University and appointment of José María Albareda as President

    José María Albareda, a full professor at the Universidad de Madrid, takes over as President on February 2.

    On August 6, the Holy See elevates the Estudio General de Navarra to the status of a University and its founder, St. Josemaría Escrivá, is named Chancellor by the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities and receives the Freedom of the City of Pamplona on October 25.

    Elevation to the status of a University and appointment of José María Albareda as President
  • 1961

    Creation of the Institute of Modern Languages and the School of Engineering (TECNUN)

    The Institute of Modern Languages begins offering English, French and German classes at the Museum of Navarre. The number of students rises to 300. Thomas Gilgut, a graduate of Harvard University, is elected coordinator of the academic staff. He remained at the head of the Institute until 1968.

    The School of Engineering (TECNUN) opens in San Sebastián, in a building provided by the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa.

    Creation of the Institute of Modern Languages and the School of Engineering (TECNUN)
  • 1962

    Civil recognition and first phase of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

    The Spanish Government officially recognizes the University's programs of study, putting them on equal footing with those taught at state institutions. This is the first time that programs of study at a non-government institution are recognized in this way.

    Cardinal Ottaviani, then Prefect of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, inaugurates the first phase of the Graduate School and the first Clínica Universidad de Navarra project, which opens with 19 beds.

    Civil recognition and first phase of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
  • 1963

    ISSA School of Management Assistants

    The Institute of Secretarial Studies (ISSA), today known as ISSA School of Management Assistants, is established.

    In 1963, the University of Navarra purchased Eva Enea (Villa Eva), located between the hills of Aldapeta and San Roque in San Sebastián, to house the Institute of Secretarial Studies. In fifty years, over 3,000 students have passed through its halls.

    ISSA School of Management Assistants
  • 1964

    First General Assembly of the Friends of the University of Navarra and first Honorary Doctors

    IESE Business School launches its first MBA program under the guidance of an Advisory Committee established by Harvard Business School and IESE Business School. It was the first two-year MBA program in Europe.

    On Saturday, October 28, the Chancellor grants the first honorary doctoral degrees to Miguel Sancho Izquierdo and Juan Cabrera y Felipe.

    On November 30, the Friends of the University of Navarra holds its first General Assembly in Pamplona.

    First General Assembly of the Friends of the University of Navarra and first Honorary Doctors
  • 1966

    Francisco Ponz, President

    Francisco Ponz Piedrafita, a Full Professor of Organography and Animal Physiology at the Universitat de Barcelona, takes over as President.

    The Institute of Spanish Language and Culture is started and construction of the Humanities Library is completed. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, an image of the Virgin Mary is placed in the Shrine of Our Lady of Fair Love.

    Francisco Ponz, President
  • 1967

    General Assembly of the Friends of the University of Navarra and new Honorary Doctors

    The Friends of the University of Navarra holds a General Assembly in Pamplona attended by 30,000 people. The Chancellor celebrates a Mass during which he gives the "Campus Homily."

    This Assembly was preceded by the ceremony granting honorary doctoral degrees to Willy Onclin, Guilherme Braga da Cruz, Ralph M. Hower, Carlos Jiménez Díaz, Jean Roche and Otto B. Roegele.

    General Assembly of the Friends of the University of Navarra and new Honorary Doctors
  • 1969

    School of Theology

    The Institute of Theology becomes a School. It had started as a Theological Center in 1964. It was later elevated to the rank of Institute in 1967. Its academic degrees have full canonical and civil validity.

    School of Theology
  • 1971

    School of Information Sciences

    The Institute of Journalism is elevated to the School of Information Sciences following a process begun in 1969 to modify the General Education Law. In the 1970-1971 academic year, the Schools in Madrid and Barcelona open, along with the one in Navarre.

    The same year, construction begins on the first television studio for student use. It begins operation the following year, in 1972.

    School of Information Sciences
  • 1972

    The Chancellor visits the University of Navarra

    In 1972 The Chancellor visits the University of Navarra to name Erich Letterer, Juan Contreras and López de Ayala and Paul OURLIAC honorary doctorates. He also took his stay in Pamplona to keep important meetings with board members of the Friends and college professors.

    The Chancellor visits the University of Navarra
  • 1974

    IESE Business School in Madrid and victories of the Athletics Club

    IESE Business School inaugurates its Madrid campus to meet the high demand for executive education in the Spanish capital.

    The same year, the University of Navarra Athletics Club (CAUN), the only university club in Spain present in the Athletics League, ascends to the First Division. The CAUN had been founded in 1962 by Dr. Juan José González Iturri, a physical therapist and Professor of Medicine, with some First Year students.

    IESE Business School in Madrid and victories of the Athletics Club
  • 1975

    The Founder of the University dies

    St. Josemaría, founder and first Chancellor of the University of Navarra, dies in Rome on June 26.

    Álvaro del Portillo was appointed Chancellor of the University of Navarra.

    The Founder of the University dies
  • 1976

    Act in memoriam of Mons. Escrivá de balaguer

    Álvaro del Portillo, Chancellor of the University of Navarra, presided over a ceremony June 16 in memoriam of Mons. Escrivá de Balaguer, Founder and first Chancellor of the University. His words included the vision that St. Josemaría had of the University of Navarra.

    Act in memoriam of Mons. Escrivá de balaguer
  • 1979

    Alfonso Nieto, new President

    Professor Alfonso Nieto takes over as President on April 25. The first Full Professor of Media Management in Spain, he had been the Director of the Institute of Journalism from 1962 to 1972 and the Dean of the School of Information Sciences from 1972 to 1974. He was Vice President for two years (from 1977 to 1979) and served as President until 1991.

    Alfonso Nieto, new President
  • 1981

    25th anniversary of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and establishment of the Institute of Family Sciences

    In October, activities begin to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the creation of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, which already had Departments of History (1957), Philosophy (1964), Romance Philology (1965) and Educational Sciences, Geography and History (1973).

    The Institute of Family Sciences is established and based in the Los Nogales building. Since then, it has carried out research and teaching work centered on marriage and the family.

    25th anniversary of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and establishment of the Institute of Family Sciences
  • 1982

    Guipúzcoa Center for Studies and Technical Research

    The Guipúzcoa Center for Studies and Technical Research (CEIT) is established in San Sebastián with José María Bastero as Managing Director and Manuel Fuentes as Academic Director.

    It is established as a nonprofit center, legally independent from the University, but linked to it by a common mission. It soon acquires the status of a center supervised by the Regional Government of the Basque Country and is declared to be in the public interest.

    Guipúzcoa Center for Studies and Technical Research
  • 1984

    Tribute to Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri

    On October 13, the University pays tribute to Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri for his 25 years of teaching and service. The ceremony is presided over by their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Soria, Margarita Borbón and her husband, Dr. Carlos Zurita. A message from the King and Queen of Spain, who participated in the ceremony in spirit, was read to the assembled attendees.

    Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri, a famous physician in Spain at the time, had joined the School of Medicine and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra in 1958.

    Tribute to Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri
  • 1986

    The University's first Silver Medals

    On January 28, the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, the University awards its first Silver Medals. 68 medals are awarded. The Medal marked number one is presented to Ismael Sánchez Bella, a pioneering figure of the University.

    This distinction is awarded each year, on the same date, to all those who have given 25 years or more of service to the University.

    The University's first Silver Medals
  • 1987

    Establishment of the School of Economics and Business

    The School of Economics and Business was established in 1987 with the dream of becoming a center of reference for its quality. With this goal Miguel Alfonso Martínez-Echevarría received his appointment as Dean of the School.

    Establishment of the School of Economics and Business
  • 1988

    Establishment of CIFA

    On September 9, the Center for Research in Applied Pharmacobiology (CIFA) is inaugurated, with Dr. Antonio Monge as Director. Nearly 200 executives and researchers from Spanish and international pharmaceutical companies, political authorities and professors were in attendance.

    Establishment of CIFA
  • 1990

    Gold Medals and creation of the Ortiz-Echagüe Bequest

    On October 3, the University awards its first Gold Medals to Ismael Sánchez Bella, Juan Jiménez Vargas and Alvaro d'Ors. This distinction had already been awarded posthumously to Dr. Ortiz de Landázuri.

    Students for Social Service is started in response to an initiative led by a group of students.

    With the sponsorship of SEAT, the Ortiz-Echagüe Bequest was placed in the specially equipped basement of the Central Building.

    Gold Medals and creation of the Ortiz-Echagüe Bequest
  • 1991

    Alejandro Llano, President; new Gold Medals

    Full Professor of Metaphysics Alejandro Llano takes over as President on June 28. Llano had joined the academic staff of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1977 and was its Dean from 1981 to 1989.

    At the start of the 1991-1992 academic year, the University awarded Gold Medals to nurse Carmen López, Professor Amadeo de Fuenmayor, and Full Professor Francisco Ponz, who was President from 1966 to 1979.

    Alejandro Llano, President; new Gold Medals
  • 1993

    Establishment of the University Alumni Association

    The University of Navarra Alumni Association is established. Its goals include: maintaining contact with former students and offering students and graduates opportunities in terms of training, networking and information.

    Fifteen years later, the Alumni Association was the largest in Europe with over 21,000 members.

    Establishment of the University Alumni Association
  • 1994

    A boost for research and recognition of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

    The University of Navarra Research Plan is launched.

    The Clínica Universidad de Navarra is selected by over 6,000 physicians from all over Spain as the Healthcare Institution of the Decade.

    On May 14, the first Sports Day is held.

    A boost for research and recognition of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra
  • 1996

    José María Bastero, President

    On October 22, José María Bastero takes over as President. He was a naval and industrial engineer, a Professor of Mechanics, and the Director of the School of Engineering (TECNUN) (1978-1993) and the Center for Studies and Technical Research (CEIT) (1982-1993). In 1992 he was named Vice President of Research.

    The Center for Research in Applied Pharmacobiology (CIFA) becomes the first European research center to obtain the official Good Laboratory Practice certification.

    The Center for European Studies and Center for Documentation and Research on Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer are set up.

    José María Bastero, President
  • 1997

    Gold Medal of Navarre

    On December 3, Navarre Day, Miguel Sanz, the President of the Regional Government of Navarre, presents the Gold Medal of Navarre to the University of Navarra. It was accepted by President José María Bastero.

    The same year, a new phase of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, designed by Leopoldo Gil Nebot, is inaugurated; the agreement creating the Aranzadi Room at the School of Law is signed; and the Brajnovic Award awarded by the School of Communication is inaugurated.

    Gold Medal of Navarre
  • 1998

    New Honorary Doctors

    On January 31, a new ceremony awarding honorary doctoral degrees is held. The recipients were Joseph Ratzinger, Julian Simon, and Douwe Breimer.

    The University awards its 12th Gold Medal (it had been awarded posthumously to Jesús Vázquez in 1996) to the Friends of the University of Navarra.

    The same year, the Institute of Anthropology and Ethics and the Institute of Religious Sciences are set up.

    New Honorary Doctors
  • 1999

    Establishment of 98.3 Radio

    Álvaro d'Ors, a Full Professor of Roman Law, receives the first Príncipe de Viana Culture Award from Prince Felipe de Borbón at the Monastery of Leyre. It is the highest distinction awarded by Navarre to its cultural representatives.

    The 1st Ortiz de Landázuri Memorial Lecture is given by Donnall Thomas, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1990.
    br> On October 14, 98.3 Radio, the first university radio station in Spain with its own, 24-hour commercial programming, is inaugurated.

    Establishment of 98.3 Radio
  • 2000

    A second professor wins the Príncipe de Viana Culture Award

    Professor Concepción García Gaínza, the first Spanish Full Professor of Art History, receives the Príncipe de Viana Culture Award, as Álvaro d'Ors had the year before.

    A second professor wins the Príncipe de Viana Culture Award
  • 2002

    Foundation stone of CIMA laid and canonization of St. Josemaría

    President José María Bastero awards the University Gold Medal posthumously to Antonio Valero, the first Managing Director of IESE Business School.

    On April 11, José María Aznar, the Prime Minister of Spain, lays the foundation stone of the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA).

    On October 6, Josemaría Escrivá, the founder and first Chancellor of the University, is canonized by Pope John Paul II in Rome.

    Foundation stone of CIMA laid and canonization of St. Josemaría
  • 2005

    Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro, new President

    Full Professor of Constitutional Law Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro is named President of the University. Since 2003, he had been the Vice President of Students and Academic Affairs.

    He holds a degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a diploma in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Centro de Estudios Constitucionales and a doctoral degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He joined the academic staff of the University in October 2001.

    Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro, new President
  • 2006

    New building on the San Sebastián campus

    In March, the Prince and Princess of Asturias inaugurate the Telecommunications and Microelectronics Research and Teaching Center on the Technology Campus in Miramón. Over a hundred engineers carry out bioengineering research applied to medicine, digital radio and ADSL, among other areas.

    October marks the start of the activities of the Entrepreneurs' Club, which is promoted by the University of Navarra Business Foundation (FEUN) and supported by the Alumni Association, and aimed at students in all undergraduate degree programs.

    New building on the San Sebastián campus
  • 2007

    New IESE Business School campus in Barcelona and advances in CIMA (Center for Applied Medical Research) patents

    The King and Queen of Spain inaugurate the new IESE Business School campus in Barcelona, which has total area of 30,000m2.

    Furthermore, the Ministry of Health authorizes human trials for the first of CIMA's 30 patents.

    New IESE Business School campus in Barcelona and advances in CIMA (Center for Applied Medical Research) patents
  • 2008

    Gold Medals for four professors and a donation from María Josefa Huarte

    The School of Medicine adapts its studies to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

    María Josefa Huarte donates her private collection of contemporary art to the University, including works by artists such as Picasso, Rothko, Palazuelo, Oteiza and Chillida.

    Four new Gold Medals are awarded. They go to María Pilar Fernández Otero, Natalia López Moratalla, Carlos Cavallé and Lucas Mateo-Seco.

    Gold Medals for four professors and a donation from María Josefa Huarte
  • 2009

    New degrees adapted to the EHEA

    The University presents 31 undergraduate degrees to the Council of Universities to obtain its verification. Approved for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, they are offered from the 2009-2010 academic year onwards. Particularly notable among the degree programs presented are new degree programs in Biomedical Engineering; Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development; Construction Engineering; Primary Teaching and Early Childhood Education; and Biochemistry.

    New degrees adapted to the EHEA
  • 2010

    50th anniversary of the Friends of the University of Navarra and a new Gold Medal

    The Friends of the University of Navarra celebrates its 50th anniversary. The contributions of the Friends represent a significant source of financing for the University's research and teaching work.

    In December, María Teresa Igúzquiza, the secretary to the last five Presidents, receives the University's Gold Medal. This is the first time this distinction is awarded to a member of the administrative and service personnel.

    50th anniversary of the Friends of the University of Navarra and a new Gold Medal
  • 2011

    International Excellence and new Honorary Doctors

    The University receives the Campus of International Excellence distinction from the Ministry of Education.

    The University Department of Nursing, which was started in 1954, becomes the School of Nursing. ISEM Fashion Business School in Madrid is established as a full center of the University.

    On October 27, honorary doctoral degrees are conferred upon Antonio López, Pèter Erdö and Joseph Weiler.

    International Excellence and new Honorary Doctors
  • 2012

    New president, gold medals and inauguration of the Amigos Building

    Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, a Full Professor of Media Management, is named President. He is the first to also be a former student.

    At the academic year opening ceremony, the University's Gold Medal is awarded to José María Bastero, who was President from 1996 to 2005, and to Francisco Errasti, Director of the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA).

    Furthermore, the University inaugurates the Amigos Building, which houses the Schools of Law and Economics, as well as a number of university services.

    New president, gold medals and inauguration of the Amigos Building
  • 2013

    Transfer of ISSA to Pamplona and new Faculty of Education and Psychology

    The degree in Management Assistance and ISSA transferred to the Pamplona campus . The move from San Sebastian coincided with the school’s 50th anniversary.

    In addition, the growth of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in recent years led the University to approve a new School of Education and Psychology.

    Transfer of ISSA to Pamplona and new Faculty of Education and Psychology
  • 2014

    Beatification of Don Alvaro and new building for the Clinic in Madrid

    In September, D. Alvaro del Portillo, the second Chancellor of the university was beatified.

    Construction began on the Madrid branch of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. The new hospital was expected to open at the end of 2016. The Clinic had already been operating in Madrid since 2004 in a provisional facility.

    Beatification of Don Alvaro and new building for the Clinic in Madrid
  • 2015

    Inauguration of the Museum

    King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain presided over the inauguration of the Museum of the University of Navarra, designed by architect Rafael Moneo, on their first official trip to Navarra as monarchs. The Museum began its program with five exhibitions, the performance of the National Dance Company in the Theater and a wide range of educational activities.

    Inauguration of the Museum
  • 2016

    The Chancellor of the University, Monsignor Javier Echeverría died

    The Chancellor of the University, Monsignor Javier Echeverría died on the 12 of December 2016 in Rome at 84 years of age. After the death of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, he was named as prelate of Opus Dei by Pope John Paul II, on 20 April 1994. For 22 years he served as Chancellor of the University. He visited Pamplona frequently. Interested in the progress in the Schools, research centers, the Museum….

    The Chancellor of the University, Monsignor Javier Echeverría died
  • 2018

    Inauguration of the Madrid campus

    The President Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero presided over the inauguration of the new postgraduate building, which completed the campus project that the University launched in November 2017 with the opening of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra in Madrid.

    In addition, the University was awarded the international 'Green Flag Award', in recognition of the comprehensive management of its green spaces. The award ranked the campus as one of the best parks in the world for the level of excellence in its management.

    Inauguration of the Madrid campus
  • 2019

    New Honorary Doctors

    The University awarded honorary degrees to the Navarre architect Rafael Moneo, English Sociologist Margaret S. Archer, the Hebrew Philologist Ruth Fine and Robert Picard, an expert in economics and media management. The ceremony was presided over by the Chancellor Fernando Ocáriz and was held in the Museum Theater with around 700 people in attendance.

    That same year, the 'THE Europe Teaching Rankings 2019' placed the University third in Europe in teaching, behind Oxford and Cambridge.

    New Honorary Doctors
  • 2020


    The University closed its campuses in Pamplona, San Sebastian, Madrid and Barcelona, transferring all its face-to-face activity to the digital environment.

    For a safe return to campus, the University implemented the Prepared2 plan for the start of the new academic year 20/21, which included prevention and hygiene measures, innovative teaching and an increase in financial aid for undergraduate and master's degree students.

  • 2021

    María Iraburu, nueva rectora

    El gran canciller, monseñor Fernando Ocáriz nombró a la profesora María Iraburu Elizalde nueva rectora de la Universidad. La profesora Iraburu es la novena persona en ocupar este cargo. María Iraburu (Pamplona, 1964), bióloga por la Universidad de Navarra, defendió su tesis doctoral en el departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular en 1992 y entre los años 1993 y 1996 realizó una estancia post-doctoral en el Albert Einstein College of Medicine de Nueva York. En 1996 se incorporó a la Universidad. Desde entonces, ha compatibilizado su carrera investigadora con la docencia y el gobierno universitario.

    María Iraburu, nueva rectora
  • 2022

    La Escuela de Ingeniería cumple 60 años

    La Escuela de Ingeniería. Tecnun, celebró sus 60 años con la presencia de profesores, antiguos alumnos, empresarios, investigadores y representantes de las instituciones.

    La Escuela de Ingeniería cumple 60 años