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When you receive your long-awaited admission letter, you can start the enrollment process. We recommend you carefully read the information we provide below.

Nested Applications



I have been admitted to commence first-year studies

The enrollment deadline depends on whether you are a national or international student. Below are the deadlines for each type of enrollment:

National students

From May 18 to June 18 (School of Nursing May 31, School of Medicine June 4-18). Within this period it is necessary to make the application for enrollment in the Portal miUNAV, indicating the forms of payment and attaching all the necessary documentation:

It is necessary to make the enrollment application within these deadlines, even if the result of the EVAU/EBAU is not yet available; in this case, the enrollment will be provisional, and will be conditioned to upload to the portal before June 30 the document certifying that the test has been passed and also the transfer of the file (if these documents are not available before that date, the reason must be communicated by Help/Contact through the miUNAV portal).

The other documents can be uploaded until July 31.

Students applying for admission to these degrees must pass the EVAU/EBAU in 1st call:

​​​​​​​Law, International Relations and doubles Degrees of Law+International Relations and History+International Relations.
​​​​​​​Business Administration and Management, Economics and doubles Degrees of Law+Business Administration and Management, and Law+Economics.

International students

From May 18 to June 18 (School of Nursing: May 31, School of Medicine: June 4-18). Within these deadlines it is necessary to make the application for enrollment in the Portal miUNAV, sign it and indicate the forms of payment of the full tuition fee.

It is necessary to made the enrollment application within this period, even if you do not yet have the Accreditation credential of the Bachelor's degree, or the access credential issued by the UNED; in these cases, the enrollment will be provisional, and will be conditioned to provide one of these documents before October 31. If not, in order to be able to take the December exams, you must download this document, sign it and upload it to the myDOCUMENTATION section of the UNAV.

The other documents can be uploaded until July 31.


Those admitted after the official registration deadlines will register on the dates indicated in the admission letter.

In order to prepare for enrollment, it is necessary to read the information on this website. If you have any questions, please call the University Admissions Service at (+34) 948 425614, from 9.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. (the office is closed on Saturdays).

Enrollment is done through the myUNAV portal.

To enroll, all steps of the program must be followed:

  • First, the applicant is asked to fill in some personal and family information.

  • Next, the system shows the subjects in which the applicant will be enrolled.

  • Then, the system calculates the total registration fee and the method of payment must be indicated; the program requires the form or forms of payment to be specified, and they must add up to the total registration fee. If there are any questions about the payment method, they can be entered in the Notes section, but in any case, the payment method for the total registration fee must be specified.

  • Finally the enrollment report must be digitally signed and then you have to click the Submit button and you're finished the enrollment application. Upon completion, the student will receive an email with the enrollment report. Students can also download the report, which will always be available on the myUNAV portal.

The documents should be uploaded to the myUNAV portal.

The result of the university entrance exam (EvAU/EBAU) must be submitted before June 30. The receipt for transfer of your academic transcript must be attached before July 11 (except in Navarre, where it can be requested on August 2- 9). If you do not submit these two documents by the deadlines, you must provide a reason via Help/Contact on the myUNAV portal.

The other documents must be uploaded before July 31.

National students

Students will need the following documents:

1. Photocopy of both sides of the student’s National Identity Document.

2. Photocopy of the receipt to obtain the high school diploma.

3. Card certifying that the student has passed the official Spanish university entrance exam (EvAU/EBAU):  it must be uploaded before June 30. Those who did not pass have until September 20, except for degree programs that require students to pass the exam at the first session, as indicated on the Admission process page.

4. Receipt for transfer of academic trasncript: this must be requested from the university where the student took the university entrance exam (EvAU/EBAU). To obtain this receipt, a copy of the admission letter must be submitted.

5. One passport photo.

Students who have completed other higher-education studies in Spain (vocational training, university degree programs, etc.) must provide a copy of their degree (or a receipt to prove that they have resqueted it) instead of documents 2, 3 and 4 mentioned above. Students who began their university studies at another university, but have no completed them, must submit the receipt for transfer of their academic transcript.

International students

1. Photocopy of passport or idendity card.

2. One passport photo.

One of these documents must be submitted:

Those who have studied in EU countries or undertaken the European or International Baccalaureate (IB) must request the Spanish university access credential issued by the UNED. If you still do not have it when you apply for enrollment, and you receive it later, you should inform admision@unav.es so that the document can be downloaded from the UNED portal.

Those who have studied in other countries must submit the original certificate of official recognition of their high school diploma. If you do not have it yet, you must upload the receipt certifying that you have requested it, stamped by the Spanish Government office where it was submitted.

If you do not have the above documents, your enrollment will be provisional and will be conditional on you submitting them before October 31. If not, in order to be able to take the December exams, you must download this document, sign it and upload it to the myDOCUMENTATION section of the UNAV.

For official recognition of the high school diploma, it will be necessary to submit the Accreditation credential of the Bachelor´s degree to the Office of the Registrar of the University before April 30 of the following year. If this certificate is not submitted before that date or if official recognition has not been granted, enrollment will be invalidated and no academic certifications on studies will be issued. Nor will the applicant have the right to request a refund of any amounts paid for enrollment.

International students who have taken the university entrance exam (EvAU/EBAU) at the UNED must also submit the same documents required of national students; however, instead of document 3, they must submit a certificate of official recognition of their high school diploma or the receipt providing proof that they have requested it.

Those who have done university studies and have had some subjects transferred must submit the original certificate for these studies to the Office of the Registrar

- if at least 30 ECTS credits have been transferred, the student must submit this document only. No others are necessary.

- if fewer than 30 ECTS credits have been transferred, the student must submit the receipt for the certificate of official recognition of the high school diploma and the certificate of official recognition or the access credential from the UNED.

In most degree programs, First Year students enroll only in required subjects specified in their curriculum. However, for some degree programs, it is also necessary to select an elective subject when submitting the enrollment application on the portal.

Enrollment takes place only once each academic year and is irrevocable when completed. Nonetheless, students may make changes to their enrollment, with due cause, within 10 days of formalizing enrollment or during the first week of classes in the second semester.

Canceling enrollment does not entail a refund of any amounts paid; not even the administrative fees.

Enrollment is definitive when the transfer of academic transcript is received from the home university, as long as it certifies that the student meets the requirements for entering the program of study; or when the certificate of official recognition of the high school diploma is submitted, before the end of the period of study, for students gaining access in this way; the until that time, enrollment is provisional.

The validity of the enrollment is also dependent on full payment by means of any of the possible payment methods. If full payment is not made, enrollment may be canceled at any time during the academic year.

The University hereby informs you (and students accept this on enrollment) that, pursuant to regulations issued by the competent authorities and by recommendation of its own experts, the academic content, methods of instruction and assessment of knowledge may be adapted for reasons of health safety, always within the general regulations applicable to official university instruction in Spain.

Prices: you can check the prices of the degrees.

Discounts and bonuses: you can check the bonuses you are eligible.

Payment methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (for example, pay a part of the tuition fee by direct debit and another part by credit card or payment in installments). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the registration fee. More information on payment methods.

Financing: the Student Finance Office has a wide range of bank loans and credits with special conditions. For more financing information.

Los estudiantes de la Universidad disponen de un seguro escolar pero también existe la posibilidad de contratar coberturas adicionales. Consulta aquí toda la información.

Nested Applications



I am continuing my studies

Students who have passed all subjects between December and May

Enrollment must be formalized on the day and time indicated in the email received by these students in early June; the deadline begins on June 14 (or on June 21 for students in Medicine).

The enrollment program will be open until June 30, and any enrollment changes must be made by that date.

Enrollment changes after June 30: the enrollment program will be open again from July 19 to August 6 to allow students who have not yet enrolled to do so and to enable students who have already enrolled to make any changes. To modify enrollment after August 6 (or to complete it, if necessary), you must submit an enrollment request in the Request section of the myUNAV portal.

Students who have not passed all subjects between December and May

Enrollment must be formalized on the day and time indicated in the email received by these students in early July; the deadline begins on July 19.

The enrollment program will be open until August 6 and any necessary enrollment changes may be made until that date.

Enrollment changes after August 6: to modify enrollment after August 6 (or to complete it, if necessary), you must submit an enrollment request in the Request section of the myUNAV portal.

Access to SELF-ENROLLMENT for students continuing their studies (via the Academic Information Portal).

When accessing self-enrollment, students must select the subjects they wish to take, in accordance with the pre-prepared plan.

Wherever possible, problems arising during the self-enrollment process will be resolved by the staff at the Office of the Registrar. In any case, students may choose to put enrollment on hold and exit the program, at which point the subjects chosen will be held for three working days; the problem may be resolved during this time.

  • It is important to enroll on the date and at the time indicated in the self-enrollment appointment. This will ensure availability of elective subjects.

  • If, for any reason, enrollment cannot be completed, the program may be closed once the subjects that are definitely going to be taken are selected. No payment needs to be made at this time.

  • This way, those subjects will be reserved for three days, during which time any outstanding issues must be resolved. The program must then be reopened to finalize the enrollment process and make any changes to the previously selected subjects. Once this is done, payment of the registration fee can be made.

  • If any issue cannot be resolved within those three days, the enrollment should be finalized and the registration fee paid while the issue is being resolved. The enrollment may then be modified at a later date.

Self-enrollment should be done by students themselves. In the exceptional case that a third party is authorized to do it, it is assumed that the formalized enrollment has been fully approved by the student; the enrollment will therefore be just as valid as if it were personally formalized by the student.

Support line: 948 425 611

- June 15 to August 31: fron 9.30 -to 14 a.m.

- starting on September: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

Email: oogg@unav.es

Enrollment takes place just once per academic year and, once completed, is irrevocable. Nonetheless, during periods when the self-enrollment program is open (indicated in the section titled “Registration Deadline”), or during the first week of classes in the second semester, students may make changes to their enrollment.

After choosing subjects, the program calculates the amount due, including registration fees (See the “Cost” tab). Afterwards, the method of payment must be chosen. It is possible to indicate several payment methods (for example, pay part of the registration fee via a direct debit and another part via an installment plan). The chosen payment methods must, of course, add up to the total cost of enrollment.

In any case, it is necessary to pay at least €95 in cash (direct debit, transfer or check).

The registration fee must be paid within three days of enrollment, via one of the methods listed in the section titled “Forms of Payment.” Canceling enrollment does not entail a refund of any amounts paid. The validity of the enrollment depends upon payment of the registration fees on the date of formalization.

Once you have finished the SELF-ENROLLMENT process, it is not necessary to send the University any documents.

Students paying by bank transfer can upload the receipt to the portal when they self-enroll or within the next few days. Students who must submit the large family card can also upload it.

Students who request to pay in installments must send the original application form (and copies of the parents' ID cards and of the passbook or account for payments by direct bank debit) by mail to the University's Office of the Registrar, University of Navarra Campus, 31009 Pamplona. Spain). These documents cannot be sent scanned or by email.

They can also be submitted at the University's Office of the Registrar, Monday through Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (and, starting on September, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

If payment is made in full by direct bank debit (only for accounts open in Spain with an ES IBAN), it is not necessary to send any receipts to the University.

The debit will be charged on:

July 5, for students enrolled in June.

August 10, for students enrolled by August 7.

September 1, for students enrolled after August 7.

Students who request to pay in installments must send the original application form (and copies of the parents' ID cards and of the passbook or account for payments by direct bank debit) by mail to the University's Office of the Registrar, University of Navarra Campus, 31009 Pamplona. Spain). These documents cannot be sent scanned or by email.

Payment may also be made at the University's Office of the Registrar (Central Building) Monday through Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Enrollment is complete when payment is made.

If, for any reason, payment is not made within three days, enrollment may be canceled, and the student may lose his or her elective subject choices.

The University hereby informs you (and students accept this on enrollment) that, pursuant to regulations issued by the competent authorities and by recommendation of its own experts, the academic content, methods of instruction and assessment of knowledge may be adapted for reasons of health safety, always within the general regulations applicable to official university instruction in Spain.

Prices: you can check the prices of the degrees.

Discounts and bonuses: you can check the bonuses you are eligible.

Payments methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (for example, pay  a part of the tuition fee by direct debit and another part by credit card or payment in installments). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the registration fee. More information on payment methods.

Financing: the Student Finance Office has a wide range of bank loans and credits with special conditions. For more financing information.



Los estudiantes de la Universidad disponen de un seguro escolar pero también existe la posibilidad de contratar coberturas adicionales. Consulta aquí toda la información.

Nested Applications



I am a transfer student

The enrollment period is from May 18 to July 15 and must be done through the miUNAV portal. 

When the Admissions Service sends and notifies the student that the final validation study is approved, together with the "enrollment plan", it will be uploaded to the miUNAV portal. At that moment, if it is within the enrollment period, the student can access miUNAV and pay the minimum payment if he/she has not already done so. He/she must then digitally sign the enrollment report.

Soon, the system will register you as a student of the University and you will receive an email notifying you that from the next day you will be able to access from myUNAV to the Academic Management button to make the self-enrollment. When you enter the Self-enrollment section, you will see the subjects that have already been validated and you will have to select the new subjects that appear in the "enrollment plan" together with the Study of Validations uploaded to myUNAV. Once you have chosen the corresponding subjects, you will proceed to pay the tuition fee according to the available payment methods.

National student

Through the portal miUNAV they must have completed the registration form and uploaded these documents:

Photocopy of ID card (both sides).

One passport photo.

Academic certificate (copy of the original) of previously completed university studies. The original must be presented at the University's Office of the Registrar (enrollment will be provisional until the original transcript or certified copy is received).

Receipt of the transfer of the academic transcript, issued by the Secretary's Office of the Faculty or School of origin. In order to obtain this receipt, a copy of the notification of admission to the University of Navarra must be presented at the University of Navarra. 

International Students

Through the portal miUNAV you must have completed the registration form and uploaded these documents:

Photocopy of ID card (both sides), passport or identity card.

Passport photo.

Academic certificate (copy of the original) of previously completed university studies. The original must be presented at the General Offices of the University of Navarra (enrollment will be provisional until the original transcript or certified copy is received).

In case they have not been validated at least 30 ECTS, they must present the accreditation credential of the Bachelor's degree, issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education; if they do not yet have this credential, they can present the sealed document that proves that they have applied for the homologation.

To avoid delays, students must submit all required documentation at the time enrollment is formalized. Enrollment takes place just once per academic year and, once completed, is irrevocable.

Canceling enrollment does not entail a refund of any amounts paid. Nonetheless, students may make changes to their enrollment, with due cause, within 10 days of formalizing enrollment. The validity of the enrollment depends upon payment of the registration fees on the date of formalization.

The University hereby informs you (and students accept this on enrollment) that, pursuant to regulations issued by the competent authorities and by recommendation of its own experts, the academic content, methods of instruction and assessment of knowledge may be adapted for reasons of health safety, always within the general regulations applicable to official university instruction in Spain.

Prices: you can check the prices of the degrees.

Discounts and bonuses: you can check the bonuses you are eligible.

Payments methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (for example, pay  a part of the tuition fee by direct debit and another part by credit card or payment in installments). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the registration fee. More information on payment methods.

Financing: the Student Finance Office has a wide range of bank loans and credits with special conditions. For more financing information.


Los estudiantes de la Universidad disponen de un seguro escolar pero también existe la posibilidad de contratar coberturas adicionales. Consulta aquí toda la información.