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Vida, afectividad y racionalidad: Hegel y la biología filosófica de Scheler

Título de la revista: CONTRASTES. SUPLEMENTO
ISSN: 1136-9922
Volumen: 15
Número: 1
Páginas: 225 - 233
Fecha de publicación: 2010
After Hegel, many philosophers thought Hegelian rationalism as a failure, and so the positivism arose. Later, this would have a great influence in the interpretation of scientific activity. The aspiration to the total understanding of life from a positivistic approach would cause the various vitalistic reactions, which often claimed that, if it was necessary to identify thinking and positivity, then life was not thinking at all. This constituted one of the key factors of the irrationalist reactions in the 19th century. The philosophical anthropology founders would discuss this problem in the beginning of the 20th century. Now, the understanding of life is seen differently, directed to resolve the conflict between positive science and a philosophical conception of life. Phenomenology and philosophical anthropology undertake this task with a new inspiration because they think that it is not possible to develop a comprehensive anthropology without the biology. In the words of Plessner, "without a biology, there is not an anthropology". Scheler and Plessner represent two different ways of approaching the problem. It is interesting to compare Hegel's view with their claims, because this throws light upon some aspects of the Hegelian philosophy and of its historic Wirkung