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A new species of Paracreptotrema (Digenea, Plagiorchiformes, Allocreadiidae) infecting two species of poeciliids in Río Malila of the Río Pánuco basin, Hidalgo, México, with a key to the species of the genus

Autores: Bautista-Hernández, C. E.; Monks, S.; Pulido-Flores, G.; Miranda Ferreiro, Rafael
Título de la revista: ZOOKEYS
ISSN: 1313-2989
Volumen: 482
Páginas: 55 - 66
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Paracreptotrema rosenthali sp. n. was discovered in the intestine of Xiphophorus malinche and Pseudoxiphophorus jonesii, collected from the headwaters of Rio Malila, tributary of Rio Conzintla, in the Rio Panuco basin, Hidalgo, Mexico, during 2008-2009. The new species differs from the five known species of Paracreptotrema Choudhury, Perez-Ponce de Leon, Brooks & Daverdin, 2006 by having vitelline follicles that extend from a level anterior to the pharynx to mid-testes, the seminal vesicle which is more extensively folded, and a wider cirrus sac. The new species resembles P. heterandriae in the length of its ceca, which surpasses the posterior margin of the ovary but do not reach the testes. A key to the species of Paracreptotrema is provided.