Detalle Publicación


Palliative Care Medical Education in European Universities: A descriptive study and numerical scoring system proposal for assessing educational development

Autores: Carrasco Gimeno, Jose Miguel; Lynch, T. J.; Garralda Domezain, Eduardo; Woitha, Kathrin; Elsner, F.; Filbet, M.; Ellershaw, J. E.; Clark, D.; Centeno Cortés, Carlos
ISSN: 0885-3924
Volumen: 50
Número: 4
Páginas: 516 - 523.e2
Fecha de publicación: 2015
CONTEXT: The lack of palliative medicine (PM) education has been identified as a barrier to the development of the discipline. A number of international institutions have called for its implementation within undergraduate medical curricula. OBJECTIVES: The objectives are to describe the situation of undergraduate PM education in Europe and to propose a scoring system to evaluate its status. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted with data provided by key experts from countries of the World Health Organization European Region (n = 53). A numerical scoring system was developed through consensus techniques. RESULTS: Forty-three countries (81%) provided the requested information. In 13 countries (30%), a PM course is taught in all medical schools, being compulsory in six of them (14%). In 15 countries (35%), PM is taught in at least one university. In 14 countries (33%), PM is not taught within medical curricula. A full professor of PM was identified in 40% of countries. Three indicators were developed to construct a scale (rank 0-100) of educational development: 1) proportion of medical schools that teach PM (weight = 32%); 2) proportion of medical schools that offer PM as a compulsory subject (weight = 40%); 3) total number of PM professors (weight = 28%). The highest level of PM educational development was found in Israel, Norway, the U.K., Belgium, France, Austria, Germany, and Ireland. CONCLUSION: PM is taught in a substantial number of undergraduate medical programs at European universities, and a qualified teaching structure is emerging; however, there is a wide variation in the level of PM educational development between individual countries.