Detalle Publicación


Discurso performativo y mentira política durante el proceso de paz con las FARC

Título de la revista: CUADERNOS.INFO
ISSN: 0719-3661
Número: 56
Páginas: 66 - 88
Fecha de publicación: 2023
This article analyzes the line of argumentation of President Juan Manuel Santos during the peace process with the FARC in Colombia to determine whether is performative in character (Austin 1962) and/or has classic features of political lies (Arendt, 1993, 2003; Bok, 1978). To this end, we used a qualitative methodology, analyzing the discourse of the 33 official statements related to the peace process. These were disseminated by the president between 2012 and 2016 on the official YouTube channel of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia. The analysis of these statements allows us to identify seven statements that the president used to create the communicative framework with which he tries to influence public opinion in order to win the support of Colombian society and the FARC. An examination of these statements using the categories of performative discourse and political lie reveals their eminently performative character. This exposes the existence of some features of political lie and the ambivalence that some statements acquire when they move away from factual truth.