Detalle Publicación


Análisis del discurso de las Estrategias para la mejora de la convivencia escolar de las comunidades autónomas españolas

Autores: Azqueta, A. (Autor de correspondencia); Arbues Radigales, Elena; Arribas, A. M.
Título de la revista: AULA ABIERTA
ISSN: 0210-2773
Volumen: 52
Número: 3
Páginas: 289-296
Fecha de publicación: 2023
The educational systems of the 21st century face the challenge of promoting the knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow young people to be active citizens in democratic societies. In this task, the climate of school coexistence is relevant because it contributes to shaping civic awareness. In this research, a critical-interpretive analysis is used, completed with a lexicographical analysis of the content of the strategic documents related to school coexistence of the 17 Spanish Autonomous Communities. Iramuteq software is used for data visualization. The results highlight the importance of putting the educational focus on school coexistence and turning schools into participatory spaces. The implementation of projects to prevent harassment and violence is also highlighted. Likewise, it is clear that the improvement of school coexistence corresponds in a shared way to teachers, students and families. Finally, the relevance of the improvement of the school climate as an element that favors the motivation of the student, the reduction of violence and the prevention of school dropout is concluded.