Detalle Publicación


La huella seminal de la Bauhaus. Mobiliario e interior en las revistas españolas en el periodo de entreguerras

Título de la revista: RES MOBILIS
ISSN: 2255-2057
Volumen: 12
Número: 15
Páginas: 243 - 263
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Numerous investigations have been carried out on the Bauhaus that have demonstrated the repercussion that the work developed by the German school through some of its members has had on the history of design and architecture; however, few of them have deepened the knowledge that Spanish architects had about their advances in furniture in the interwar period. The present research seeks, through the analysis of the contents of the periodical Spanish architecture publications published between 1918 and 1936, to identify the references that the Spanish architects of the moment were able to know about the theory and work of the directors, teachers, and students of the Bauhaus in relation to the furniture and the interior. As a conclusion to this study, the aim is to define the penetration process of these proposals in Spain.