Detalle Publicación


Digitally accessible knowledge about airborne pollen data in Spain

Título de la revista: AEROBIOLOGIA
ISSN: 0393-5965
Volumen: 39
Páginas: 175 - 179
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Up-to-date reporting of atmospheric pollen contents is essential to assist doctors and allergy sufferers alike to undertake treatment or preventative measures. We have evaluated the extent of the digitally accessible knowledge (DAK) created by the Spanish network of pollen monitoring stations and analyzed the gaps in three main DAK factors: data completeness, data obsolescence, and data publication. Data from 118 distinct stations were discovered, of which one in four seemed to have discontinued publication of updated data either continuously or seasonally. While two-thirds of the sites published data through their own local portals, only about one-half also contributed daily data to the two main aggregators in the country (SEAIC and REA), which in turn were the only outlets available for one-tenth of the sites. The analysis revealed the probable existence of completely obscure sites recording, but not reporting, data. Recovering or surfacing dormant or silent sites may significantly improve the DAK about pollen in Spain.