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Modeling health data using machine learning techniques applied to financial management predictions

Autores: León-Sanz, R. (Autor de correspondencia); León Sanz, Pilar
Título de la revista: APPLIED SCIENCES
ISSN: 2076-3417
Volumen: 12
Número: 23
Páginas: 12148
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Health management has steadily improved in performance and accuracy using IT technology. Hospitals and health institutions hold an enormous number of data in their software applications, which can be used with Big Data methodologies to extract useful information. One of the most challenging aspects of health institutional management is financial management; billing prediction is a key aspect to maintain a predictable service level for patients, avoiding unpleasant surprises and anticipating treasury management. Using patient data from public patient databases and applying a machine learning approach, this article offers a model that helps to make more precise and detailed financial plans.