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Translation of a tissue epigenetic signature to circulating free DNA suggests BCAT1 as a potential noninvasive diagnostic biomarker for lung cancer

Autores: Palanca-Ballester, C.; Hervas, D.; Villalba Esparza, María; Valdés-Sánchez, T.; García, D.; Alcoriza-Balaguer, M. I.; Benet, M.; Martínez-Tomas, R.; Briones-Gómez, A.; Galbis-Caravajal, J.; Calvo González, Alfonso; Juan, O.; Lahoz, A.; Cases, E.; Sandoval, J. (Autor de correspondencia)
Título de la revista: CLINICAL EPIGENETICS (PRINT)
ISSN: 1868-7075
Volumen: 14
Número: 1
Páginas: 116
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Lung cancer patients are diagnosed at late stages when curative treatments are no longer possible; thus, molecular biomarkers for noninvasive detection are urgently needed. In this sense, we previously identified and validated an epigenetic 4-gene signature that yielded a high diagnostic performance in tissue and invasive pulmonary fluids. We analyzed DNA methylation levels using the ultrasensitive digital droplet PCR in noninvasive samples in a cohort of 83 patients. We demonstrated that BCAT1 is the candidate that achieves high diagnostic efficacy in circulating DNA derived from plasma (area under the curve: 0.85). Impact of potentially confounding variables was also explored.