Detalle Publicación

From Combustion Vehicle to Electric Vehicle Parking, Through a Review of Legislation and Publications

Autores: Blanco-Muruzábal, M.; Martín Gómez, César (Autor de correspondencia); Zuazua Ros, Amaia; Trabada Echarri, T.; Valdivieso de las Heras, J.; Mambrilla-Herrero, N.
Título de la revista: ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH
ISSN: 2168-507X
Volumen: 12
Número: 1
Páginas: 1 - 11
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Electric mobility is expected to increase in the following years motivated by environmental awareness and government targets, therefore, a great number of combustion engines cars will be replaced by electric ones. In addition, urban space has become scarcer to house a large number of existing vehicles increasing the number of underground parking. Like cars remain parked here most time of the day being charged, new elements appear, so this transition requires parking infrastructures to match. But, are the millions of underground existing parking ready for it? Given the shortage of regulations and the existing debate, the integration of the systems is not undertaken safely. In this context, this paper seeks to analyze the level of preparation of underground parking through scientific literature and a review of standards detecting conditions and requirements to prevent possible hazards. Although the article is focused on the Spanish context, the detected problems, hypothesis and proposal of solutions can be applied to other countries.