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New records of Springtails (Collembola) from Sicily, Italy.

Autores: Giuga, L. (Autor de correspondencia); Jordana Butticaz, Rafael; Baquero Martín, Enrique; Lo Verde, G.
Título de la revista: REDIA-GIORNALE DI ZOOLOGIA
ISSN: 0370-4327
Volumen: 105
Páginas: 107 - 114
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Along with some studies on soil fauna in various Sicilian sites, both agricultural lands and typical Mediterranean habitats, particular attention was paid to the Collembolan. Specific identification allowed to assess the occurrence in Sicily of 39 species not previously recorded, belonging to 10 families: Hypogastruridae (six species), Brachystomellidae (one species), Neanuridae (five species), Onychiuridae (three species), Tullbergiidae (seven species), Isotomidae (nine species), Entomobryidae (three species), Cyphoderidae (one species), Dicyrtomidae (one species), and Katiannidae (one species). Of these 39 species, 21 are new also for Italy. Furthermore, this is the first record of the genus Doutnatcia Rusek, 1974 for the fauna of Italy. The discovery of such a number of new species for Sicily (i.e. 35% of those known) and Italy by sampling a limited number of habitats, shows that the knowledge relating to this group of arthropods in Sicily is still very scarce.