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Who will take care of me? The future of human resources in anaesthesiology, critical care, and emergency medicine in Europe

Libro: Research anthology on cross-industry challenges of industry 4.0
Autores: Honorato Cia, María Cristina; De Hert, S.; De Robertis, E.; Grigoras, I.
Lugar de Edición: Pennsylvania
Editorial: IGI Global
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página Inicial - Final: 752 - 766
ISBN: 978-166842406-3
Resumen: Foreseeing the needs and availability of anaesthesiologists across Europe is a challenging task. This is influenced by different factors that include the composition of the workforce and the organization and structure of health services in every country. Some trends call for attention, such as changes in work patterns brought about by an ageing specialist population, the increasing numbers of women in anaesthesia, or cultural and societal shifts towards work-life balance. Anaesthesiology is a challenging specialty with an expanding scope of practice, requiring highly motivated professionals, frequent long work hours, and addressing stressful situations often. To ensure quality anaesthesia provision, the wellbeing of this diverse population of anaesthesiologists should be addressed. Achieving rational and flexible work hours, adequate compensation, and promotion of a workplace culture that fosters safety, motivation to learn, and equal opportunities for leadership or academia positions are challenges to be addressed to make sure that excellence in patient care is maintained.