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Cholangiocarcinoma progression depends on the uptake and metabolization of extracellular lipids

Autores: Ruiz de Gauna, M.; Biancaniello, F.; González-Romero, F.; Rodrigues, P. M.; Lapitz, A.; Gómez-Santos, B.; Olaizola, P.; Di Matteo, S.; Aurrekoetxea, I.; Labiano, I.; Nieva-Zuluaga, A.; Benito-Vicente, A.; Perugorria, M. J.; Apodaka-Biguri, M.; Paiva, N. A.; Sáenz de Urturi, D.; Buque, X.; Delgado, I.; Martín, C.; Azkargorta, M.; Elortza, F.; Calvisi, D. F.; Andersen, J. B.; Álvaro, D.; Cardinale, V.; Bujanda, L.; Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús (Autor de correspondencia); Aspichueta, P. (Autor de correspondencia)
Título de la revista: HEPATOLOGY
ISSN: 0270-9139
Volumen: 76
Número: 6
Páginas: 1617 - 1633
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Background and Aims Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) includes a heterogeneous group of biliary cancers with a dismal prognosis. We investigated if lipid metabolism is disrupted in CCA and its role in tumor proliferation. Approach and Results The in vitro and in vivo tumorigenic capacity of five human CCA cell lines was analyzed. Proteome, lipid content, and metabolic fluxes were evaluated in CCA cells and compared with normal human cholangiocytes (NHC). The Akt1/NOTCH1 intracellular cytoplasmic domain (Nicd1)-driven CCA mouse model was also evaluated. The proteome of CCA cells was enriched in pathways involved in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. The EGI1 CCA cell line presented the highest tumorigenic capacity. Metabolic studies in high (EGI1) versus low (HUCCT1) proliferative CCA cells in vitro showed that both EGI1 and HUCCT1 incorporated more fatty acids (FA) than NHC, leading to increased triglyceride storage, also observed in Akt1/Nicd1-driven CCA mouse model. The highly proliferative EGI1 CCA cells showed greater uptake of very-low-density and HDLs than NHC and HUCCT1 CCA cells and increased cholesteryl ester content. The FA oxidation (FAO) and related proteome enrichment were specifically up-regulated in EGI1, and consequently, pharmacological blockade of FAO induced more pronounced inhibition of their tumorigenic capacity compared with HUCCT1. The expression of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase ACADM, the first enzyme involved in FAO, was increased in human CCA tissues and correlated with the proliferation marker PCNA. Conclusions Highly proliferative human CCA cells rely on lipid and lipoprotein uptake to fuel FA catabolism, suggesting that inhibition of FAO and/or lipid uptake could represent a therapeutic strategy for this CCA subclass.