Detalle Publicación


El móvil como nuevo cuarto de juegos: comparativa de la percepción del consumo de Youtube y videojuegos entre menores chilenos/as y sus padres/madres

Autores: Feijoo-Fernández, B. (Autor de correspondencia); Fernández-Gómez, E.; Sádaba Chalezquer, Charo
Título de la revista: PRISMA SOCIAL
ISSN: 1989-3469
Número: 34
Páginas: 146 - 164
Fecha de publicación: 2021
This study analyzes the presence of entertainment in the daily usage of mobile phones among Chilean children ages 10 to 14. Special attention is paid to children consumption of YouTube and video games and to the perception their parents have regarding the use of mobiles by their children. Use patterns of minors and how this mismatch parental perception was revealed from the analysis of personal surveys (N children = 501; N adults= 501). The major conclusion is that mobile phones are no longer screens with which to communicate and exchange messages, a stand still held by parents. Screens are a passage through which children aim for freeof-charge audiovisual entertainment (mainly games and videos) and in doing so, expose themselves to the advertising this entails. Music content is prioritized on YouTube, especially among girls and the older children within the age range studied, and this study corroborates the notion of gender differentiation in video games choices.