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Incidence and clinical profile of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized COVID-19 patients from Madrid region

Autores: Arribalzaga, K.; Martínez-Alfonzo, I.; Díaz-Aizpún, C.; Gutiérrez-Jomarrón, I.; Rodríguez, M.; Castro Quismondo, N.; Pérez-Fernández, E.; Velasco-Rodríguez, D.; Gómez, E.; Fernández, B.; Vilches, A.; Martín-Herrero, S.; Castilla, L.; Blanco, M. J.; del Mar Gutiérrez, M.; Rivas, I.; Pascual, C.; Rosado, B.; Sola, E.; Vidal-Laso, R.; Asenjo, S.; Mora Casado, M. A.; Benito-Parra, L.; Carmona, I.; Marín, K.; Acedo, N.; García-León, N.; Marcheco, A.; Guillén Rienda, Carolina; Fernández, C.; Rodríguez, R.; Pardo, L.; Silva, P.; Montero, L.; Meijón, M.; Masso, P.; Llamas-Sillero, P.; Asociación Madrileña de Hematología y Hemoterapia
Título de la revista: THROMBOSIS RESEARCH
ISSN: 0049-3848
Volumen: 203
Páginas: 93 - 100
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Background: COVID-19 related in-hospital venous thromboembolism (VTE) incidence is high but data reported vary significantly. Some studies show that up to half of the events are diagnosed early after admission. Objectives: To study symptomatic VTE incidence in acute COVID-19 hospitalized patients and to describe timing of VTE diagnosis. Methods: Multicenter cohort of 5966 patients hospitalized with acute COVID-19. Multicenter Registry of 844 hospitalized patients with acute COVID-19 and associated acute VTE. Results: By the time of cohort data collection, 68 patients (1.14%) were still hospitalized, 19.8% had died, and 5.4% required ICU. During a median follow-up of 6 days (IQR, 4-12), 183 patients (3.07%; 95% CI, 2.64-3.55) presented a symptomatic VTE event. The cumulative incidences of VTE at 7, 14 and 21 days in wards [2.3% (95% CI, 1.9-2.7), 3.6% (95% CI, 3.0-4.3), and 4.3% (95% CI, 3.5-5.1)] were similar to the ones reported in ICU [2.2% (95% CI, 1.0-4.4), 2.9% (95% CI, 1.5-5.3), and 4.1% (95% CI, 2.2-6.8)], but at 30 and 60 days were higher in ICU [6.9% (95% CI, 4.2-10.5), and 12.8% (95% CI, 8.1-18.5)] than in wards. Eighty-eight VTE events (48%) were diagnosed early, within 48 h of admission. VTE was not associated with death (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.55-1.12). Conclusions: Incidence of symptomatic VTE in our COVID-19 cohort is consistent with that of other real-life studies recently published. Early VTE events are, along with COVID-19, the reason for admission rather than an in-hospital complication.