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El joven Winston y El instante más oscuro: Winston Churchill como líder político en una Europa cambiante

Título de la revista: FOTOCINEMA
ISSN: 2172-0150
Número: 21
Páginas: 59 - 81
Fecha de publicación: 2020
The release of both Young Winston (R. Attenborough, 1972) and Darkest Hour (J. Wright, 2017) coincide with two critical moments in the history of Europe and United Kingdom. The former, in the wake of the 1968 protest movements; the latter, in the midst of the political and socio-economic decline of the Western world. Both films offer a positive portrayal of Winston Churchill as a political leader. In this article, we link the concrete qualities highlighted in Churchill's character with the crisis that was escalating at the time of each release. Besides, we connect the two biopics to the relevant stages of the "European Dream": namely, its peak and its decline. The analysis concludes that in both films Churchill's image is cut out according to the most desired leadership pattern of the related historical time period.