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New species and records of Entomobryidae and Orchesellidae (Collembola) from the East Caucasus (Russia)

Título de la revista: ZOOTAXA
ISSN: 1175-5326
Volumen: 4991
Número: 2
Páginas: 247 - 270
Fecha de publicación: 2021
We studied Entomobryidae and Orchesellidae springtails collected throughout Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan, Russia. Three new species of the genus Entomobrya (E. multisetis sp. nov., E. hirsutothorax sp. nov., and E. kremenitsai sp. nov.), and one of Entomobryoides (E. dagestanicus sp. nov.) are described. Taxonomic information for Entomobrya nicoleti (Lubbock, 1868), Willowsia potapovi Zhang et al., 2011, and Heteromurus nitidus (Templeton, 1836) in Templeton & Westwood 1836 from the Caucasus are given. Although the Caucasus is faunistically interesting, the Collembola of this region are poorly studied. The list of the Caucasian species of the family Entomobryidae and, particularly, the genus Entomobrya, appears to be very limited. In the past, Stach (1963) described four new species and recorded three more based on color patterns. Afterward, several pattern-identified species were mentioned in the local lists of different areas of Caucasus (Rasulova 1980; Kremenitsa 2002; Dobrolubova 1982; and others, see Table 1). The only known modern taxonomic paper on the genus for the Caucasus was by Jordana et al. (2011a) where three new species were described from Russia (Kabardino-Balkaria) and Armenia. Concerning earlier described forms, in his monograph, Jordana (2012)