Detalle Publicación

Experimental study on the hot-melt adhesive pattern produced by melt blowing nozzle designs

ISSN: 1528-0837
Volumen: 51
Número: 3
Páginas: 3923S - 3948S
Fecha de publicación: 2022
The high-quality standards of bodily absorbent hygiene products require that the adhesive bond between layers be as uniform and consistent as possible. The final adhesive pattern of the product is determined by the dynamics of the adhesive fibre, which in turn depends on the nozzle geometry and on its operating conditions. In order to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of adhesive fibres and the deposited application pattern, an experimental study was conducted on two multi-hole melt blowing (MB) nozzles designed for producing hot-melt adhesives. To this end, the fibre dynamics were captured through the use of high-speed imaging (HSI). The main parameters that govern the fibre dynamics, including its frequency of oscillation, were quantified through use of image analysis. The effect of the operating conditions on the fibre's frequency of oscillation at the nozzle exit region was studied and the results indicate that increasing air-polymer flux ratios (m') and decreasing dimensionless temperature ratios (T') both increase the fibre whipping frequency. Additionally, information on the fibre dynamics on the two planes of oscillation is obtained by studying the deposited application pattern of hot-melt applications. Other related matters are also treated throughout the article, such as fibre contact in adhesive patterns, which represent one of the major defects that the melt blowing technology of hot-melt adhesives is trying to mitigate. Experimental measurements are pre