Detalle Publicación

Headquarters site selection preferences: occupiers' perspectives

Autores: Ramanstwana, T. (Autor de correspondencia); Cheruiyot, K.; Azasu, Samuel
ISSN: 1463-001X
Volumen: 23
Número: 1
Páginas: 40 - 54
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Purpose There are multitudes of sites and buildings offering various services to their occupiers. Studies highlight that companies choose sites and buildings that enable business' growth and competition. The purpose of this paper is to explore occupiers' perspectives on headquarters (HQs) site selection preferences with reference to the public listed firms in South Africa's eight metropolitan municipalities. Design/methodology/approach A literature review was conducted to understand site selection preferences in other countries to inform the current study. Empirical data were collected using a sequential mixed-method approach using interviews and a survey. Semi-structured interviews were conducted first with the executives/management and also personnel who are involved in site selection decisions. Purposive sampling technique was used to select one company per industry to be interviewed. The information gathered from interviews informed the survey that was distributed online using Qualtrics software to all public listed firms located within the eight metropolitan municipalities in South Africa. Thematic analysis was used for analysing the interviews, whereas self-explicated conjoint model was used for the survey. ...