Detalle Publicación


Sport talent, media value and equal prize policies in tennis

Libro: The Economics of competitive sports
Lugar de Edición: Cheltenham
Editorial: Edward Elgar
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Página Inicial - Final: 110- 151
ISBN: 978-1-78347-475-2
Resumen: Given the economic and commercial implications of sports, the media value of players is considered a major asset in the area of professional sports businesses. This chapter establishes procedures to measure the intangible talent of players within the tennis industry. It also examines the extent to which policies on prize money could be more efficiently designed to account for the economic contribution of the different agents involved in the provision of entertainment. To evaluate the media value of professional tennis players, we follow the ESI methodology, whose basic guidelines combine information on media value and popularity. The chapter has been carried out using weekly data on news and media presence of the top 1400 professional tennis players (700 women of the WTA and 700 men of the ATP), in the years 2007 and 2008.