Detalle Publicación


Potential direct mechanisms involved in the action of humic substances on plant development

Libro: Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment
Autores: Mora, V.; Jannin, L.; Bacaicoa, E.; Arkoun, M.; Fuentes Ramírez, Marta; Olaetxea Indaburu, Maite; Baigorri Ekisoain, Roberto Pedro; Garnica Ochoa, María; San Francisco, S.; Zamarreño Arregui, Ángel; Ourry, A.; Etienne, P.; Laine, P.; Yvin, J. C.; García-Mina Freire, José María
Editorial: Springer & Zhejiang University Press
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Página Inicial - Final: 1075 - 1078
ISBN: 978-94-007-5633-5
Resumen: The main aim of this communication is to discuss the current knowledge about the potential direct mechanisms that are involved in the beneficial action of humic substances on plant development. To this end, we present and discuss here recent results obtained in our laboratory, along with other findings published by other authors. Finally, we propose a hypothetical whole mechanism for explaining the action of humic substances on plant development. In this schema, we point out those steps that remain unclear.