Detalle Publicación

Aquaporin-7 and aquaporin-12 modulate the inflammatory phenotype of endocrine pancreatic beta-cells

Autores: Vieira da Silva, I.; Cardoso, C.; Mendez-Gimenez, L.; Povoas-Camoes, S.; Fruhbeck Martínez, Gema; Rodríguez Murueta-Goyena, Amaia; Paiva-Miranda, J. (Autor de correspondencia); Soveral, G. (Autor de correspondencia)
ISSN: 0003-9861
Volumen: 691
Páginas: 108481
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Aquaporins (AQPs) facilitate water and glycerol movement across membranes. AQP7 is the main aquaglyceroporin in pancreatic beta-cells and was proposed to play a role in insulin exocytosis. Although AQP7-null mice display adult-onset obesity, impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance, AQP7 loss-of-function homozygous mutations in humans do not correlate with obesity nor type-2 diabetes. In addition, AQP12 is upregulated in pancreatitis. However, the implication of this isoform in endocrine pancreas inflammation is still unclear. Here, we investigated AQP7 and AQP12 involvement in cellular and inflammatory processes using RIN-m5F beta cells, a model widely used for their high insulin secretion. AQP7 and AQP12 expression were directly associated with cell proliferation, adhesion and migration. While tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha)-induced inflammation impaired AQP7 expression and drastically reduced insulin secretion, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) prompted AQP7 upregulation, and both TNF alpha and LPS upregulated AQP12. Importantly, cells overexpressing AQP12 are more resistant to inflammation, revealing lower levels of proinflammatory markers. Altogether, these data document AQP7 involvement in insulin secretion and AQP12 implication in inflammation, highlighting their fundamental role in pancreatic beta-cell function.