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Periodística como disciplina universitaria en España: una propuesta

Título de la revista: PALABRA CLAVE
ISSN: 0122-8285
Volumen: 23
Número: 3
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Disciplines within knowledge domains are cross-cutting and shaped by the contributions of cultures and countries. In the field of journalism studies (as in many others), the force of Anglo-Saxon perspectives has outshined other approaches and attempts. Although every tradition-at least in Western culture-intertwines with others, they also have peculiarities that enrich the debate. This article aims to introduce the Spanish-American tradition and, especially, the Spanish one regarding reflections on journalism studies as an academic discipline. The concern for endowing journalism with a disciplinary status has lingered on, particularly because of the passage from schools to universities. Here, in this transition, Spain is characterized by having sparked off a prolonged, intense debate about the elements that define journalism as an academic discipline. Such a discussion has hardly taken place in Latin America. The method is based on a literature review focused on pioneering authors such as Martinez Albertos, Nunez-Ladeveze, and Casasus. Given the relevance of this reflection in Spain, this article elaborates further on the debate and, as a conclusion, brings forward a renewed proposal for defining journalism and describing its subject matter, scope, multidisciplinary nature, and methods.