Detalle Publicación

Scleroderma-like syndrome due to hydroxyurea

Autores: García Martinez, Francisco Javier (Autor de correspondencia); García-Gavin, J.; Álvarez-Pérez, A.; Alonso-González, J.; Ginarte, M.; Toribio, J.
ISSN: 0307-6938
Volumen: 37
Número: 7
Páginas: 755 - 758
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Scleroderma-like cutaneous changes have been reported in association with several drugs, but not with hydroxyurea (HU), to our knowledge. We report the case of a 67-year-old man who was treated with HU (hydroxycarbamide) for 12 years for a myeloproliferative disorder, and presented a progressive pruritic woody induration, symmetrically affecting both legs. He also had Gottron-like papules on the back of the metacarpophalangeal joints, and a retroauricular undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma. On histological examination of a skin biopsy taken from the leg, massive dermal fibrosis was seen, with thickening of collagen bundles throughout the entire dermis. Six months after HU withdrawal, the skin induration resolved without scarring. Scleroderma-like syndrome has not been previously considered one of the secondary effects of HU. The evolution of our patients condition supports a causal relationship between the HU treatment and the sclerodermiform changes of the skin.