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How are palliative care services developing worldwide to address the unmet need for care?

Libro: Global atlas of palliative care
Autores: Clark, D.; Centeno Cortés, Carlos; Clelland, D.; Garralda Domezain, Eduardo; López Fidalgo, Jesús Fernando; Downing, J.; Varghese, C.; Connor, S.
Lugar de Edición: London
Editorial: Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Página Inicial - Final: 45 - 58
ISBN: 978-0-9928277-2-4
Resumen: The Global Atlas of Palliative Care is a source of essential information on the status of palliative care worldwide. This second edition of the Global Atlas reveals some of the changes that have occurred since the first edition was published in 2014. For instance, we now have a better idea of how many people need palliative care worldwide. In the 1st edition a conservative estimate of 40 million has now been more accurately estimated as over 56.8 million, including 25.7 million in the last year of life.