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Emergence of NDM-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in Spain: phylogeny, resistome, virulence and plasmids encoding blaNDM-like genes as determined by WGS

Autores: Perez-Vazquez, M. (Autor de correspondencia); Campoy, P. J. S. ; Ortega, A.; Bautista, V. ; Monzon, S.; Ruiz-Carrascoso, G.; Mingorance, J.; Gonzalez-Barbera, E. M. ; Gimeno, C.; Aracil, B.; Saez, D.; Lara, N. ; Fernandez, S.; Gonzalez-Lopez, J. J. ; Campos, J.; Kingsley, R. A.; Dougan, G. ; Oteo-Iglesias, J. /; Rodrigo, C. H. ; Aznar, E.; Garcia-Picazo, L.; Martinez, B. O.; Mansilla, E. C.; Alvarez-Garcia, P.; Carretero, J. M. P.; Rodriguez-Conde, I.; Cao, S. M. R.; Gimeno, A.; Moreno, M. O. P. ; Rodriguez, M. L. C.; Cavero, T. A. ; Gil, Y.; Esteras, M. A. R.; Andres, J. L. B. ; Trujillo, G. ; Almaraz, J. L. H. ; Leiva León, José; del Pozo León, José Luis; Salas, C. M.; Adan, F. B. ; Bertomeu, F. G.; Cascales, P. ; Dorado, J. C. ; Suarez, C. B.
ISSN: 0305-7453
Volumen: 74
Número: 12
Páginas: 3489 - 3496
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Objectives: NDM carbapenemases have spread worldwide. However, little information exists about the impact of NDM-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Spain. By WGS, we sought to elucidate the population structure of NDM-like-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in Spain and to determine the plasmids harbouring bla(NDM)-like genes. Methods: High-resolution SNP typing, core-genome MLST and plasmid reconstruction (PlasmidID) were performed on 59 NDM-like-producing K. pneumoniae and 8 NDM-like-producing E. coli isolated over an 8year period in Spain. Results: Five major epidemic clones of NDM-producing K. pneumoniae caused five important nationwide outbreaks: ST437/NDM-7, ST437/NDM-1, ST147/NDM-1, ST11/NDM-1 and ST101/NDM-1; in contrast, the spread of NDM-producing E. coli was polyclonal. Three bla(NDM) types were identified: bla(NDM-1), 61.2%; bla(NDM-7), 32.8%; and bla(NDM-5), 6%. Five K. pneumoniae isolates co-produced other carbapenemases (three bla(OXA-48) and two bla(VIM-1)). The average number of acquired resistance genes was higher in K. pneumoniae than in E. coli. The plasmids encoding bla(NDM)-like genes belonged to IncFII, IncFIB, IncX3, IncR, IncN and IncC types, of which IncF, IncR and IncC were associated with MDR. The genetic surroundings of bla(NDM)-like genes showed a highly variable region upstream of ISAba125. Conclusions: In recent years NDM-producing K. pneumoniae and E. coli have emerged in Spain; the spread of a few high-risk K. pneumoniae clones such as ST437/NDM-7, ST437/NDM-1, ST147/NDM-1, ST11/NDM-1 and ST101/NDM-1 have caused several interregional outbreaks. In contrast, the spread of NDM-producing E. coli has been polyclonal. Plasmid types IncFII, IncFIB, IncX3, IncR, IncN and IncC carried bla(NDM), and the same IncX3 plasmid was detected in K. pneumoniae and E. coli.