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Implementation of simultaneous multi-parameter monitoring based in LC-type passive wireless sensing with partial overlapping and decoupling coils

Título de la revista: SENSORS
ISSN: 1424-8220
Volumen: 19
Número: 23
Páginas: 5183
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Inductor-capacitor (LC) passive wireless sensors are widely used for remote sensing. These devices are limited in applications where multiparameter sensing is required, because of the mutual coupling between neighboring sensors. This article presents two effective decoupling techniques for multiparameter sensing, based on partially overlapped sensors and decoupling coils, which, when combined, reduce the mutual coupling between sensors to near zero. A multiparameter LC sensor prototype with these two decoupling mechanisms has been designed, simulated, and measured. This prototype is capable of simultaneously measuring four parameters. The measurements demonstrate that the changes in capacitance in one individual sensor do not affect the measurements of the other sensors. This principle has been applied to simultaneous wear sensing using four identical wear sensors.