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Seafood consumption, omega-3 fatty acids intake, and life-time prevalence of depression in the PREDIMED-Plus trial

Autores: Sanchez-Villegas, A. (Autor de correspondencia); Alvarez-Perez, J.; Toledo Atucha, Estefanía; Salas-Salvado, J.; Ortega-Azorin, C.; Zomeno, M. D.; Vioque, J.; Martinez, J. A. ; Romaguera, D. ; Perez-Lopez, J. ; Lopez-Miranda, J. ; Estruch, R.; Bueno-Cavanillas, A. ; Aros, F.; Tur, J. A. ; Tinahones, F. J.; Lecea, O. ; Martin, V.; Ortega-Calvo, M.; Vazquez, C.; Pinto, X.; Vidal, J.; Daimiel, L.; Delgado-Rodriguez, M.; Matia, P. ; Corella, D.; Diaz-Lopez, A.; Babio, N. ; Munoz, M. A. ; Fito, M. ; de la Hera, M. G.; Abete Goñi, Itziar; Garcia-Rios, A. ; Ros, E. ; Ruiz-Canela, Miguel; Martínez González, Miguel Ángel; Izquierdo, M.; Serra-Majem, L.
Título de la revista: NUTRIENTS
ISSN: 2072-6643
Volumen: 10
Número: 12
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Background: The aim of this analysis was to ascertain the type of relationship between fish and seafood consumption, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (-3 PUFA) intake, and depression prevalence. Methods: Cross-sectional analyses of the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Fish and seafood consumption and -3 PUFA intake were assessed through a validated food-frequency questionnaire. Self-reported life-time medical diagnosis of depression or use of antidepressants was considered as outcome. Depressive symptoms were collected by the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between seafood products and -3 PUFA consumption and depression. Multiple linear regression models were fitted to assess the association between fish and long-chain (LC) -3 PUFA intake and depressive symptoms. Results: Out of 6587 participants, there were 1367 cases of depression. Total seafood consumption was not associated with depression. The odds ratios (ORs) (95% confidence intervals (CIs)) for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quintiles of consumption of fatty fish were 0.77 (0.63-0.94), 0.71 (0.58-0.87), and 0.78 (0.64-0.96), respectively, and p for trend = 0.759. Moderate intake of total LC -3 PUFA (approximately 0.5-1 g/day) was significantly associated with a lower prevalence of depression. Conclusion: In our study, moderate fish and LC -3 PUFA intake, but not high intake, was associated with lower odds of depression suggesting a U-shaped relationship.