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Sleep duration is inversely associated with serum uric acid concentrations and uric acid to creatinine ratio in an elderly mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk

Autores: Papandreou, C.; Babio, N. ; Diaz-Lopez, A.; Martínez González, Miguel Ángel; Becerra-Tomas, N. ; Corella, D.; Schroder, H.; Romaguera, D.; Vioque, J.; Alonso-Gomez, A. M. ; Warnberg, J.; Martínez Hernández, Alfredo; Serra-Majem, L.; Estruch, R.; Munoz-Garach, A.; Lapetra, J. ; Pinto, X.; Tur, J. A.; Garcia-Rios, A.; Bueno-Cavanillas, A.; Delgado-Rodriguez, M.; Matia-Martin, P.; Daimiel, L.; Martin-Sanchez, V.; Vidal, J.; Vazquez, C.; Ros, E.; Ruiz-Canela, Miguel; Bullo, M. ; Sorli, J. V.; Quifer, M. ; Colom, A. ; Oncina-Canovas, A.; Tojal-Sierra, L.; Baron-Lopez, J.; Perez-Farinos, N.; Abete Goñi, Itziar; Sanchez-Villegas, A.; Casas, R. ; Fernandez-Garcia, J. C. ; Santos-Lozano, J. M. ; Corbella, E.; Bibiloni, M. D.; Diez-Espino, J. ; Asensio, E. M.; Torras, L.; Morey, M.; Compan-Gabucio, L.; Salaverria-Lete, I.; Cenoz-Osinaga, J. C.
Título de la revista: NUTRIENTS
ISSN: 2072-6643
Volumen: 11
Número: 4
Páginas: 761
Fecha de publicación: 2019
The aim of the study was to evaluate sleep duration and sleep variability in relation to serum uric acid (SUA) concentrations and SUA to creatinine ratio. This is a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from 1842 elderly participants with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome in the (Prevencion con Dieta Mediterranea) PREDIMED-Plus trial. Accelerometry-derived sleep duration and sleep variability were measured. Linear regression models were fitted to examine the aforementioned associations. A 1 hour/night increment in sleep duration was inversely associated with SUA concentrations ( = -0.07, p = 0.047). Further adjustment for leukocytes attenuated this association (p = 0.050). Each 1-hour increment in sleep duration was inversely associated with SUA to creatinine ratio ( = -0.15, p = 0.001). The findings of this study suggest that longer sleep duration is associated with lower SUA concentrations and lower SUA to creatinine ratio.