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¿Identidad cristiana étnica? El caso de Diogn. 1.1

Título de la revista: ESTUDIOS ECLESIASTICOS
ISSN: 0210-1610
Volumen: 94
Número: 369
Páginas: 309 - 338
Fecha de publicación: 2019
The ethnic character of early Christianity is a disputed subject. The reference to at the beginning of the Letter to Diognetus is often mentioned in the debate to support a racial/ethnic understanding of Christian identity. For some scholars this interpretation would seem to be supported by the expression «third /genus», which is found in Christian writers prior or contemporary to Diogn. The present paper advocates a non-ethnic interpretation of the term, by analysing the meaning of in combination with, the word that follows and is united to it by. With examples taken from classical and Christian Greek literature, it is argued that for the author of Diogn. refers mainly to the way of life of Christians in the society in which they live, with no ethnic connotations. © 2019 Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. All rights reserved.