Detalle Publicación


Cierre de una iglesia como lugar de culto: consideraciones jurídico-pastorales

Título de la revista: SCRIPTA THEOLOGICA
ISSN: 0036-9764
Volumen: 51
Número: 1
Páginas: 97 - 127
Fecha de publicación: 2019
The decline in the number of clergy, the demographic shift from rural to urban areas, and the dechristianization in: countries of long-standing Catholic tradition, make it necessary to rethink the pastoral care of the faithful. Additionally, a question arises as to what to do with places of worship that are no longer used for their original purpose - maintenance, closing, disposal, repurposing (or not) for other ecclesiastical uses, etc. This article proposes pastoral-legal solutions and offers some considerations that need to be taken into account in these matters.