Resumen: Value co-creation emerges from the interaction between customers and firms, being the customer an active
player in the established interaction. This brings the customers to the core of the measurement system,
not allowing a traditional process capability analysis as usually performed. This chapter addresses
the development of a service capability index, taking into account customer¿s expectations, customer¿s
perceptions and service performance. This index is based on the ¿zone of tolerance¿ and it gives a
perspective on value co-creation effectiveness. A methodology for converting perceived performance
into real performance is proposed, including a procedure to assess the levels of adequate and desired
service. An approach inspired on the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is presented, promoting the
ability for converting customer¿s expectations into operational terms and extending the methodology to
situations with several customer¿s requirements and various operational characteristics. Different approaches
are considered for outcome-related features and process-related features.