Detalle Publicación

Health education: a Rogerian concept analysis

ISSN: 0020-7489
Volumen: 94
Páginas: 131 - 138
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Objectives: The concept of health education has traditionally focused on enabling people to change unhealthy behaviours and lifestyles. Although, at the theoretical level, there exist definitions of the concept, it remains complex and ambiguous. Furthermore, nurses often confuse the concept with other related terms, such as health information or health promotion. The aim here is to report a concept analysis of health education and elucidate a current definition. Design: Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis. Data sources: A systematic search was conducted using PubMed and CINAHL for articles written in English or Spanish, published between 1986 and 2017. A manual search was performed, and grey literature was also reviewed. A pre-determined template of study inclusion-related questions assisted the process. Review methods: Rodgers' evolutionary method guided the narrative analysis. The attributes of health education, as well as its antecedents, consequences, related terms and contextual bases were extracted and synthesized. Results: Based on the review of 31 studies on health education, the attributes are a learning process, health-oriented, multidimensional, person-centred and partnership. The antecedents are professional awareness of health education, training of health professionals, available resources, individual's willingness to act, and health as an individual's priority in life. The consequences are the increase in knowledge, skills and/or attitudes; ...