Detalle Publicación


Plant nutrition and defense mechanism : frontier knowledge

Libro: Advances in Citrus Nutrition
Editorial: Ed. Springer
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Página Inicial - Final: 1 - 12
ISBN: 978-94-007-4171-3
Resumen: Nutrition level of plants and their defense mechanism are highly interrelated. A large number of studies showed the beneficial effects of some mineral nutrients on both health and natural defense of different crops in response to the action of diverse types of pathogens. The main biochemical pathways and mechanisms involved in natural plant defense response against the attack of pathogens through schematic presentation is necessary in order to evaluate the potential role of certain mineral nutrients in the correct expression of this plant response. Defining the biological-chemical character of the action of different mineral nutrients on the activation of plant defense mechanisms has lend strong support in favor of existing synergies. As a function of the biological character of these effects, the action of each nutrient will be included in a specific level or class enclosed in the above-mentioned general classification.