Detalle Publicación


Desarrollo de competencias digitales en comunidades virtuales: un análisis de "ScolarTIC"

Autores: Bravo, M. C. M. (Autor de correspondencia); Sádaba Chalezquer, Charo; Serrano Puche, Javier
Título de la revista: PRISMA SOCIAL
ISSN: 1989-3469
Número: 20
Páginas: 129 - 159
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Digital literacy involves a safe and critical use of ICTs for employment, learning, personal development and participation in society. Online communities as ecosystems based on the exchange of experiences, information, knowledge and collaborative learning through their interactions, have the potential to empower its members making Internet a tool for personal and social progress. This research analyzes the development of digital skills in the virtual community ScolarTIC through a network analysis and a survey among its users. The study reveals that on a dynamic and decentralized structure of knowledge sharing can help to develop various areas of digital competence. In the case of ScolarTIC, the areas of digital competence most developed among users are security and information (how to navigate, search, evaluate, store and retrieve information, both in smartphones and tablets and other devices).