Detalle Publicación


Public communication ethics in an online environment

Libro: Handbook of virtue ethics in business and management
Editorial: Ed. Springer Reference
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página Inicial - Final: 1259 - 1266
ISBN: 978-94-007-6729-4
Resumen: The Internet has radically changed the landscape of communication. The emergence of a delocalized flow of information has undermined the ability of traditional media to gather and control the news. The so-called social media have become a quicker and more popular channel of communication. This change poses ethical challenges both now and potentially for the future. Although professional bodies have endeavored to deal with such issues by implementing codes and regulatory systems, time has shown that these are insufficient to guarantee the best ethical outcomes. Regulations cannot provide by themselves the most adequate response in an increasingly complex scenario. This chapter proposes the development of a solid theoretical framework that places social goodness at the center of ethical reasoning and practical wisdom as the virtue of human character that inspires such goodness.