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Communication consultancies in Catalonia: 25 years creation spaces for dialogue

Autores: Gazol, P. B.; Rodríguez Salcedo, Natalia
Título de la revista: DOXA COMUNICACION
ISSN: 1696-019X
Número: XXIV
Páginas: 25 - 42
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Public relations consultancy firms started to appear in Spain more than half a century ago. The first public relations (PR) agency was set up in November 1960: It was called the Public Limited Company of Public Relations (Sociedad Anonima Espanola de Relaciones Pablicas - SAE de RP), located in Barcelona. However, economic and political circumstances did not allow for full development of the services of these agencies until the 1990s. In recent years, however, the economic crisis seems to have affected the rate of growth. Faced with this reality, the present study addresses the evolution of PR agencies in Catalonia over the last 25 years, after taking a brief historical tour of its origins. The objective of this study is to analyze the development of communication consultancies based in Catalonia over the last 25 years in order to contribute to the knowledge base regarding the history and nature of this discipline within the geographical area where it began. To carry out this research, a survey of ten questions related to the historical development of agencies in Catalonia was developed, and this questionnaire was sent to nearly 60 companies from May 2014 to May 2015. The results confirm the fact that despite the crisis, new agencies have emerged in the sector. In addition, there has been a development in the area of digital PR and a preference for the use of the term "communication" rather than "public relations".