Detalle Publicación


Developing healthy habits in media consumption: a proposal for dealing with information overload

Libro: Information and communication overload in the digital age
Lugar de Edición: Hershey, Pennsylvania
Editorial: IGI Global
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página Inicial - Final: 202 - 222
ISBN: 9781522520610
Resumen: In the contemporary media ecosystem, online consumption is framed and characterized by a number of general elements. These key factors are: a) the overabundance of information available to users (information overload); b) the speed of online interaction; c) the emergence of attention as currency; d) the multiplicity of different screens; and e) the socialization of consumption. This chapter, grounded on a comprehensive literature review, first provides a description of these elements. A digital diet is then proposed based on the development of three areas: knowing how to use the technological tools and applications to deal with information overload; learning how to manage attention and cognitive overload; and, finally, establishing regular periods of digital disconnection. The conclusion is that practicing these healthy habits leads to more useful and effective media consumption.