Detalle Publicación


Information quality in companies committed to TQM.

Lugar de Edición: Switzerland
Editorial: Springer International Publishing
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página Inicial - Final: 299 - 306
ISBN: 978-319-04705-8
Resumen: In the turbulent global environment in which organizations now compete, having reliable, accurate and readily available information is a key factor. Information is a strategic company resource. To the extent that TQM is an information-intensive management model, it is not unreasonable to assume that companies committed to TQM models should be efficient when managing information. This study has two main objectives. First, we aim to explore whether the information managed by companies committed to TQM models (in particular a quality management system based on the ISO 9000 international quality standards series) meets the dimensions required for information quality. Second, we aim to explore how information quality dimensions influence information consumers¿ overall feeling of being well informed in those companies. Using a quantitative approach, we used a questionnaire survey to capture the perceptions of managers in companies committed to a quality management system based on the ISO 9000 international quality standards series with respect to the information they managed. More specifically we applied a nonparametric test and performed a multiple regression analysis to address the objectives of the study. The analysis shows evidence that the information managed already meets many dimensions of information quality among the companies analysed.