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Role of cardiotrophin-1 in the regulation of metabolic circadian rhythms and adipose core clock genes in mice and characterization of 24-h circulating CT-1 profiles in normal-weight and overweight/obese subjects

Autores: López Yoldi, Miguel; Stanhope, K. L.; Garaulet, M.; Chen, X. G.; Marcos Gómez, Beatriz; Carrasco-Benso, M. P.; Santa-Maria, E. M.; Escoté Miró, Xavier; Lee, V.; Nunez, M. V.; Medici, V.; Martínez-Ansó, E.; Sáinz Amillo, Neira; Huerta Hernández, Ana Elsa; Laiglesia González, Laura María; Prieto, J.; Martínez Hernández, Alfredo; Bustos de Abajo, Matilde; Havel, P. J.; Moreno Aliaga, María Jesús
Título de la revista: FASEB JOURNAL
ISSN: 0892-6638
Volumen: 31
Número: 4
Páginas: 1639 - 1649
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Cardiotrophin (CT)-1 is a regulator of glucose and lipid homeostasis. In the present study, we analyzed whether CT-1 also acts to peripherally regulate metabolic rhythms and adipose tissue core clock genes in mice. Moreover, the circadian pattern of plasma CT-1 levels was evaluated in normal-weight and overweight subjects. The circadian rhythmicity of oxygen consumption rate (Vo(2)) was disrupted in aged obese CT-1-deficient (CT-1(-/-)) mice (12 mo). Although circadian rhythms of Vo(2) were conserved in young lean CT-1(-/-) mice (2 mo), CT-1 deficiency caused a phase shift of the acrophase. Most of the clock genes studied (Clock, Bmal1, and Per2) displayed a circadian rhythm in adipose tissue of both wild-type (WT) and CT-1(-/-) mice. However, the pattern was altered in CT-1(-/-) mice toward a lower percentage of the rhythm or lower amplitude, especially for Bmal1 and Clock. Moreover, CT-1 mRNA levels in adipose tissue showed significant circadian fluctuations in young WT mice. In humans, CT-1 plasma profile exhibited a 24-h circadian rhythm in normal-weight but not in overweight subjects. The 24-h pattern of CT-1 was characterized by a pronounced increase during the night (from 02:00 to 08:00). These observations suggest a potential role for CT-1 in the regulation of metabolic circadian rhythms.-Lopez-Yoldi, M., Stanhope, K. L., Garaulet, M., Chen, X. G., Marcos-Gomez, B., Carrasco-Benso, M. P., Santa Maria, E. M., Escote, X., Lee, V., Nunez, M. V., Medici, V., Martinez-Anso, E., Sainz, N., Huerta, A. E., Laiglesia, L. M., Prieto, J., Martinez, J. A., Bustos, M., Havel, P. J., Moreno-Aliaga, M. J. Role of cardiotrophin-1 in the regulation of metabolic circadian rhythms and adipose core clock genes in mice and characterization of 24-h circulating CT-1 profiles in normal-weight and overweight/obese subjects.