Detalle Publicación


Preliminar study of genotoxicity evaluation of orthodontic miniscrews on mucosa oral cells by the alkaline comet assay

Autores: Martín-Cameán, A.; Puerto, M.; Jos, A.; Azqueta Oscoz, Amaya; Iglesias-Linares, A.; Solano, E.; Cameán, A. M.
ISSN: 1537-6516
Volumen: 25
Número: 6
Páginas: 487 - 493
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Miniscrew implants are widely used nowadays in orthodontic treatments due to their good results in clinical practice. However, data regarding the biocompatibility of commercially available orthodontic miniscrews and temporary devices are very scarce, and their role as genotoxicity inducers has been not previously evaluated with the alkaline comet assay. The aim of this study was to investigate the DNA damage in buccal cells of patients subjected to orthodontic treatments. The alkaline comet assay has been applied in oral mucosa cells from patients treated with conventional orthodontic treatment in comparison to patients treated additionally with miniscrews, non-treated volunteers (control) and smoking volunteers (positive control). The application of orthodontic appliances and miniscrews induced significant and similar (2-fold) increases of %DNA in tail in comparison to control group. Females experienced a significant increase in %DNA in all the treatments in comparison to the control group, whereas males showed significant damage only with the combined orthodontic and miniscrew treatment. In conclusion, conventional orthodontic appliances induced genotoxicity, and the incorporation of miniscrews assayed did not imply any additional increase of DNA damage.