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Teaching ethics in finance curricula: personal and institutional virtues in financial markets

Libro: Teaching ethics across the management curriculum: contributing to a global paradigm shift
Autores: Ferrero Muñoz, Ignacio; Rocchi, M.
Lugar de Edición: New York
Editorial: Business Expert Press
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Página Inicial - Final: 133 - 156
ISBN: 978-1-63157-558-7
Resumen: Te need to embed business ethics in the teaching of management dis-ciplines has at times given rise to a debate as to whether ethics should be taught as a stand-alone course or in an embedded manner. So far, the majority of opinions favor a consensus that both approaches are relevant and should be used complementarily for optimal results.Tis book o¿ers unique insights into the experience of seasoned academics who embed business ethics in teaching management theory and practice. Its multidisciplinary approach enriches its content, since the insights of our colleagues from within their ¿elds are invaluable. It therefore complements other business textbooks. Disciplines covered in this volume include entrepreneurship, accounting (¿nancial accounting, cost accounting, auditing and tax), corporate ¿nance, ¿nancial decision- making, investment, business statistics, international recruitment and international business.Te book provides a platform to share experiences of teaching ethi-cal pro¿tability. Tis contributes to resolving concerns experienced when faculty wish to incorporate ethics into their teaching but feel they lack preparation or ideas on how to do it. Te chapters describe each discipline brie¿y, raise the typical ethical issues therein, and suggest teaching strat-egies and exercises or projects. Te ¿developing versus developed country perspectives¿ sections may interest schools with high student diversity. Te book also meets in-company training needs for attaining and s