Detalle Publicación


Body composition changes during a multidisciplinary treatment programme in overweight adolescents: EVASYON Study

Autores: De-Miguel-Etayo, P.; Moreno, Luis A.; Santabárbara, J.; Bueno, G.; Martín-Matillas, M.; Zapatera, B.; Azcona San Julián, María Cristina; Martí del Moral, Amelia; Campoy, C.; Marcos, A.; Garagorri, J. M.; Grupo de estudio EVASYON
Título de la revista: NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA
ISSN: 0212-1611
Volumen: 32
Número: 6
Páginas: 2525 - 2534
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Introduction: the main objectives of weight-loss interventions are to decrease fat mass while maintaining fatfree mass. Objective: our aim was to address effectiveness body composition changes in overweight adolescents assessed by different body composition methods following an obesity intervention programme. Material and Methods: the life-style intervention was multi-disciplinary, with 13 months follow-up. Participants were 13-to-16 year-old overweight, or obese, Spanish adolescents. The adolescents (n = 156; 54.8% females) had body composition measured with anthropometry, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and air-displacement plethysmography. All measurements were made at baseline, and after 2- and 13-months. Repeated measures analysis of covariance to compare mean anthropometric changes over time and the Bonferroni correction were applied. Imputation of anthropometric measures was performed. Results: a high significant decrease in fat mass index was achieved in males after 2-and 13-months of intervention as measured by anthropometry (1.16 and 1.56 kg / m2, respectively), X-ray absorptiometry (1.51 and 1.91 kg / m2) and plethysmography (2.13 and 2.44 kg/m2). Moreover, a short and long-term maintenance of fat-and fat-free mass index was observed by X-ray absorptiometry in females (0.94 and 0.68 kg/m2). Conclusion: our multidisciplinary approach to lifestyle intervention has a favourable impact on body fat mass and fat-free mass index as well as waist-to-height ratio, over 13 months intervention in overweight and obese adolescents.