Detalle Publicación


Quality of life otucomes for cochlear implantation in the elderly

ISSN: 1420-3030
Volumen: 19
Número: Supl. 1
Páginas: 36 - 39
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Objectives: To determine whether individuals older than 60 years of age suffering from profound, bilateral, sensorineural hearing loss and unable to use hearing aids can benefit from a cochlear implant in order to improve hearing performance. Additionally, to evaluate how they manage the external components of their implanted system. Materials and Methods: The records of 68 cochlear implant users over 60 years of age were reviewed. They had undergone tonal and speech audiometry evaluations of hearing before and after implantation. A subset of 27 elderly patients were asked to respond to a specially designed questionnaire regarding the use of the external components of the implanted system. Results: Patients over 60 years of age benefit from cochlear implants. The earlier the implantation, the better the results tend to be. Certain limitations when using the external components of the implanted system were evident among the elderly. Conclusions: People >60 years of age suffering from profound, bilateral, sensorineural hearing loss show improved hearing performance following cochlear implantation. Using the implanted system includes some limitations that should be studied and overcome.