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La alianza para la prevención del cáncer colorrectal en España. Un compromiso civil para la sociedad

Autores: Morillas , JD; Castells, A; Oriol, I; Pastor , A; Pérez-Segura, P; Echevarría, JM; Caballero Zubía, Beatriz; González-Navarro, A; Bandrés, F; Brullet, E; Iniesta, A; Carballo, F; Bouzas, R; Ariza, A; Ibisate, A; García-Alfonso, P; Escudero, B; Camacho, S; Fernández-Marcos, A; González, T; Quintero , E; Lanas, A; Marzo, M; Mascort, J; Andréu, M; Cerezo, L; Vázquez-Sequeiros, E; Borrás , JM; Salas, D; Ascunce, N; Portillo, I; Herráiz Bayod, Maite; Valle, ML; Sotoca, A; Nieto, S; Hué, C; Paz-Ares, L
ISSN: 0210-5705
Volumen: 35
Número: 3
Páginas: 109-28
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common malignant tumor in Spain, when men and women are considered together, and the second leading cause of cancer death. Every week in Spain over 500 cases of CRC are diagnosed, and nearly 260 people die from the disease. Epidemiologic estimations for the coming years show a significant increase in the number of annual cases. CRC is a perfectly preventable tumor and can be cured in 90% of cases if detected in the early stages. Population-based screening programs have been shown to reduce the incidence of CRC and mortality from the disease. Unless early detection programs are established in Spain, it is estimated that in the coming years, 1 out of 20 men and 1 out of 30 women will develop CRC before the age of 75. The Alliance for the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer in Spain is an independent and non-profit organization created in 2008 that integrates patients¿ associations, altruistic non-governmental organizations and scientific societies. Its main objective is to raise awareness and disseminate information on the social and healthcare importance of CRC in Spain and to promote screening measures, early detection and prevention programs. Health professionals, scientific societies, healthcare institutions and civil society should be sensitized to this highly important health problem that requires the participation of all sectors of society. The early detection of CRC is an issue that affects the whole of society and therefore it is imperat