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Eficacia de la tromboprofilaxis con heparina de bajo peso molecular en pacientes críticos con COVID-19: estudio observacional, prospectivo y multicéntrico

Autores: Ferrandis, R. (Autor de correspondencia); Escontrela, B.; Ferrando, C.; Hernandez, M.; Herrera, J.; Hidalgo Martínez, Francisco Nicesio; Librero, J.; Llau, J. V.; Martínez, A.; Pajares, A.; Tapia, B.; Arruti, E.; Bassas, E.; Blasi, A.; Calvo, A.
ISSN: 0034-9356
Volumen: 70
Número: 3
Páginas: 129 - 139
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Introduction: COVID-19 induces coagulopathy associated with an increase of thromboembolic events. Due to the lack of agreement on recommendations for thromboprophylactic manage-ment, the aim of this study was to study the dosages of LMWH used in critically ill COVID-19 patients assessing the effect on their outcome. Metohds: We evaluated data of the Reg-COVID19. According to LMWH dose two groups were analyzed: prophylaxis and treatment. Primary outcome was the relationship of LMWH dosage with mortality. Secondary outcomes included the incidence of thrombotic and bleeding events, length of ICU stay, invasive mechanical ventilation, and thrombotic and inflammatory parame-ters. Results: Data of 720 patients were analyzed, 258 in the prophylaxis group and 462 in the treat-ment group. C Reactive Protein, invasive mechanical ventilation, tocilizumab and corticosteroid treatments were related with the choice of LMWH dose. Hemorrhagic events (66/720, 9.2%) and thrombotic complications (69/720, 9.6%) were similar in both groups (P=.819 and P=.265), as was the time course of the thrombotic events, earlier than hemorrhagic ones (9 [3-18] and 12 [6-19] days respectively). Mortality was lower in prophylaxis group (25.2% versus 35.1%), but once an inverse probability weighting model was applied, we found no effect of LMWH dose. Conclusion: We found no benefit or harm with the administration of therapeutic or prophylactic LMWH dose in COVID19 critically ill patients. With a similar rate of hemorrhagic or thrombotic events, the LMWH dose had no influence on mortality. More studies are needed to determine the optimal thromboprophylaxis protocol for critically ill patients. (c) 2022 Sociedad Espanola de Anestesiologi ' a, Reanimaci ' on y Terapeutica del Dolor. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.